Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Here are the day’s News Headlines:

First View : BAHAMAS
MSC Chloe loses containers off KZN South Coast, SAMSA launches investigation
China wants to build new railway linking Zimbabwe & Zambia with Port of Nacala
Rand’s plummet “due to external factors”
Act of piracy / robbery in Port of Nacala
EU NAVFOR reaches out to Somali fishermen
Kenya railway and business officials charged with fraud over land compensation
$100 million revamp announced for Oceania fleet of Insignia, Nautica, Regatta and Sirena
HMS Sutherland returns to homeport after seven-month deployment
Big Barrels-The New Narrative on Africa’s Oil & Gas
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pic of the Day : UACC STRAIT

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Here are the day’s News Headlines:

First View : MSC INES
Nautica passengers unable to go ashore in Maputo-officials to be disciplined
Port change for Hapag-Lloyd’s South America-South Africa Triangle Service
Conditional approval for Sinopec’s South Africa Chevron buy
Tanzania’s President Magufuli places temporary ban on foreign ship registrations
Baltic Trader to be sold by online auction
Hutchison Ports Thailand receives world’s largest quay cranes
A vote for Compac is a vote for sustainable shipping
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pics of the Day : BOW FIRDA

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Here are the News Headlines:

Uproar as Transnet Board fails to attend parliamentary Scopa meeting
Continuous development of Suez Canal is ordered
MOL Signs Bauxite Transport Deal from Guinea with Alufer Mining Limited
Liquid cargo handling to be given a boost in South Africa
Van Oord’s Maldives project scoops DPC Innovation Award
Global network of centres of excellence in marine technology launched
NATO SNMCMG2 in the Aegean
Chinese shipbuilders spearheading the return to water
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pics of the Day : NAUTICA

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