Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 22 March 2021

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 15 March 2021

Here are the latest News Headlines:


Red-letter day as Cape Acacia is registered in South Africa
REFLECTIONS: Edinburgh, Tristan da Cunha’s supply ship
MSC Cruises takes delivery of latest ship, MSC Virtuosa
Scrubber supplier Yara Marine reaches all-time high
USCGC Robert Goldman (WPC 1142) commissioned:
Ready for service in the Persian Gulf /Arabian Sea
Hapag-Lloyd acquires Africa specialist NileDutch
Seychelles planning to reopen Cruise Ship Season in August
The battle against live export is far from over – NSPCA
REFLECTIONS: Offshore Vessel Prantik Sarwar
Global Britain in a competitive age:
The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy
IN CONVERSATION: Ancient leaves preserved under a mile of Greenland’s ice hold lessons about climate change
REFLECTIONS: Diamond Land sails with unusual cargo for New Orleans
WHARF TALK: Cape Town Ships today
PIRACY: Ransom of $300,000 to secure release of crew
Train accident in Zimbabwe disrupts traffic on important Harare – Beira line
Regional crew change and repatriation : IMO Pacific hub ports concept
Transnet fast-tracks alternative plans for the Ngqura Liquid Bulk Terminal
Hapag-Lloyd reveals new Asia – East Africa service
WHARF TALK: Ships seen or reported at the Cape: Cronus Z and Adelie
VARD delivers second Expedition Cruise Vessel to Coral Expeditions
TRADE NEWS: ABB technology to support US ferry’s move to hybrid-electric ops
Sitarail modernises its railway workshops
WHARF TALK: SA Port Statistics for February 2021 are now available here
WHARF TALK: Port of Mombasa hurt by COVID restrictions
WHARF TALK: Steady year for the Nigerian ports
WHARF TALK: Cameroon trawler fleet in Cape Town
PIRACY: Ship boarded south of Lagos
MSC Lirica fire
PIRACY: Tanker Davide B boarded, 15 crew kidnapped

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Here are the day’s Maritime News Headlines:

First View : PERISTIL
Construction of Caio port in Angola to be complete in 2020
Angolan court frees seafarers after three months in custody
Uganda opts in favour of Lake Victoria to move fuel
South Africa explores business prospects in Kenya, Tanzania
Potential NRZ investors inspect Zimbabwe rail assets
IMO needs to finalise ballast water implementation dates
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pics of the Day : RIA MAR

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Monday’s Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Monday’s Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the day’s News Headlines:

Transnet appoints new port managers
Surge in cargo traffic at Port of Dar es Salaam
Angola becomes China’s third largest oil supplier
Pirates strike again off Nigeria – take 8 hostages
Zimbabwe’s National Railway “too disgusting” for foreign investors
Bertram Rickmers reduces shareholding; Rickmers Maritime Trust sells entire fleet
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pics of the Day : SAS AMATOLA F145

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