Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 31 March 2024

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines:

FIRST VIEW:   Ala’suinu

First of 45 new haulers arrive for Durban Container Terminals
In Conversation: I’ve captained ships into tight ports like Baltimore, and this is how captains like me work with harbor pilots to avoid deadly collisions
WHARF TALK: Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) tanker – CLAUDE
Tropical Cyclone Gamane threatens Madagascar and Mozambique
Aftermath of Baltimore Bridge collision
Baltimore Bridge disaster: Significant impact on local port and economy
TFR has best performance of the year on North (Richards Bay) Corridor
WHARF TALK: MR2 class Product Tanker – STI MILWAUKEE
Over 100 dumpers and payloaders arrive to beef up Richards Bay MPT performance
The Baltimore Bridge collapse – Civil Engineer’s comment
Baltimore Bridge collapse: potential for significant supply chain disruption
BREAKING NEWS: Ship strikes Baltimore bridge, major collapse
French Navy seizes over 10 tons of cocaine from Gulf of Guinea fishing vessel
WHARF TALK: polar expeditionary passenger vessel – SH VEGA
Maritime net-zero framework: IMO agrees possible outline
India, Mozambique, Tanzania joint maritime exercise IMT Trilat underway
US–India joint CG ops – Andaman and Nicobar Islands
SA Port Statistics for February 2024
WHARF TALK: short sea Ro-Pax ferry – ALA’SUINU
Ship and port scheduling advisories
Richards Bay port to become key hub for energy trade
CMA CGM upgrades service between Jeddah and North Red Sea
Poland becomes 42nd member of Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)
UNCTAD’s Global Trade Update: Encouraging signs
Quissanga and Quirimba Island retaken by Mozambique armed forces
SAMSA receives reports of oiled Cape Gannets on Bird Island

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 18 November 2022

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines:

Truck congestion becomes a problem at port of Richards Bay
WHARF TALK: famous company MR2 tanker SPRUCE EXPRESS
ISWAN’s Annual Review 2021 / 2022 is issued: Partnership working vital for maritime industry’s future
PetroSA reports leak in its southern Cape offshore pipeline
Missile attack on tanker Pacific Zircon off coast of Oman
BREAKING NEWS: Loaded TFR ore train collides with CFM shunting train between Ressano Garcia & Komatipoort
SAFEEN Feeders Launches New UAE-Red Sea Service
Freight Forwarding: Inflation and geopolitics will weigh on global supply chain
IN CONVERSATION: South Africa is hooked on fossil fuels: how it got here and how it can get out
Expecting Great Things from Africa’s New Oil and Gas Economies in 2023
New Books: Where Light in Darkness Lies
Eni and Hong Kong’s CNOOC bid to explore Mozambique’s A6-C offshore area
Derailment on the Richards Bay coal line- 97 wagons cleared
WHARF TALK: sub panamax container vessel MSC GIADA III
Mozambique’s first LNG cargo departs from Coral Sul FLNG, offshore the Rovuma basin
TNPA & Vopak seal the deal on the Richards Bay Liquid Bulk Terminal development
Durban Port Multi-Million Rand Tug Jetty Project moving ahead
REMEMBRANCE: Whitehall, London, Sunday
EU NAVFOR Med Irini operation seizes illegal cargo heading for Libya
WHARF TALK: specialised longliner OCEAN AZUL
IN CONVERSATION: Kenya Standard Gauge Railway contracts: what released documents say, and what they don’t
New Books: HMS Fearless
Russian Antarctic Expedition ship, Akademik Fedorov to call at Cape Town
Airfreight: Emirates places order for five new Boeing 777-200R freighter aircraft
Force Majeure back in effect on Richards Bay Coal Line

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 11 November 2022

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines:


Durban Port Monitor
Côte d’Ivoire Terminal officially launches operations
WHARF TALK: MSC geared container ship MSC POSITANO
Former Transnet official in the dock for fraud, money laundering
Kenya plans a dedicated cargo airport
IN CONVERSATION: Climate change: West Africa’s oceans at risk because of a lack of monitoring
Hapag-Lloyd’s happy nine months
Transnet Freight Rail’s Ore Corridor commences annual maintenance programme
WHARF TALK: large gearless bulk carrier EN MAY
Update on the Richards Bay Coal Line derailment
Kommer Damen receives Lifetime Achievement Award
New East Africa Express service (EAX5) launched by OOCL
Green machines – OOCL orders seven methanol-compatible 24,000-TEU container ships
Xeneta and Marine Benchmark partner to launch Carbon Emissions Index
Trouble on the North Coal Corridor
WHARF TALK: Trailing Hopper Suction Dredger CRESTWAY
South Africa’s IDC increases stake in Mozal smelter
UNCTAD calls for International Support: Least Developed Countries – Global Low-Carbon Transition
Kenya’s Nancy Karigithu nominated as the next IMO secretary-general
BREAKING NEWS: Coal train derails on Richards Bay coal line (Northern Corridor)
TICTS planning new $500 million upgrades at Dar es Salaam container terminal
WHARF TALK: container ship CMA CGM LEBU
Tanzanian aircraft crashes into Lake Victoria – 19 dead
New IMO office in the MENA region: Boosting regional presence
Transnet partners with motor industry & NEF to drive local manufacturing
WTO champions importance of trade in climate action
Government pushes ahead with plans for a national shipping company
WHARF TALK: visiting bitumen tanker ASPHALT TERANGA
Nigeria’s deepwater port of Lekki is completed
ITF and COP27: Transition transport – Governments must match workers’ ambitions
Nigeria secures loans to complete railway modernisation projects
SAECS Service Update: Durban berthing delays

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 17 July 2022

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines:


TPT takes steps to improve Durban Container Terminal stack handling efficiencies
WHARF TALK: LR1 oil products tanker – RIVER SHINER
Global trade hits record $7.7 trillion in Q1 2022
IN CONVERSATION: Stranded in Cape Town — Ukraine’s polar vessel recalls harrowing Antarctic quest
TPT business model focusing on youth development
Cable Theft disrupts Majuba Power Station coal deliveries by rail
Good news as fourth lane of Durban’s Bayhead Road is opened
Jindal coal mine at Chirodzi drops Beira port in favour of Nacala
Richards Bay coal line (North Corridor) shuts down for maintenance
Transnet successful in re-entering the international bond market
SA Port Statistics for the month of June 2022
WHARF TALK:  a tale of drama at  sea – Restless Wave
CRUISE NEWS: Swan Hellenic’s SH Vega on first cruise
CRUISE NEWS: Another two cruise ships for Explora Journeys – LNG powered
CRUISE NEWS: Meet Captain Serena Melani, master of Explora I
IN CONVERSATION: COVID hurt West and Central Africa’s small-scale fishers. They need more support
Mozambique transport minister moves to introduce reforms and improvements to Maputo Corridor
NATO Operation Sea Guardian concluded in Western Mediterranean
IN CONVERSATION: Morocco – a top fertiliser producer – could hold a key to the world’s food supply
Maersk resigns as board member of International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
APM Terminals establishes three macro regions – new regional MDs
HMS Montrose intercepts Iranian rocket parts and weapons on smugglers’ speedboats
WHARF TALK: YACHT SPRAY 1897 & 1898 – The First Solo Round The World Voyage
NSBT’s berth extension launched in Freetown, Sierra Leone
TNPA to invest R16.1 billion in Western Cape ports over seven years
IMO combating maritime security threats: Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden
Poor ole King Cole, still down in South Africa’s dumps
South32 acquisition gives it a 63.7% share in Maputo’s Mozal Aluminium
IMO and strengthening of port security in Tunisia
South African citrus exports lagging as new challenges surface
Deal or No Deal – CGA chief executive speaks out on EU’s latest citrus move

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