Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 18 November 2022

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines:

Truck congestion becomes a problem at port of Richards Bay
WHARF TALK: famous company MR2 tanker SPRUCE EXPRESS
ISWAN’s Annual Review 2021 / 2022 is issued: Partnership working vital for maritime industry’s future
PetroSA reports leak in its southern Cape offshore pipeline
Missile attack on tanker Pacific Zircon off coast of Oman
BREAKING NEWS: Loaded TFR ore train collides with CFM shunting train between Ressano Garcia & Komatipoort
SAFEEN Feeders Launches New UAE-Red Sea Service
Freight Forwarding: Inflation and geopolitics will weigh on global supply chain
IN CONVERSATION: South Africa is hooked on fossil fuels: how it got here and how it can get out
Expecting Great Things from Africa’s New Oil and Gas Economies in 2023
New Books: Where Light in Darkness Lies
Eni and Hong Kong’s CNOOC bid to explore Mozambique’s A6-C offshore area
Derailment on the Richards Bay coal line- 97 wagons cleared
WHARF TALK: sub panamax container vessel MSC GIADA III
Mozambique’s first LNG cargo departs from Coral Sul FLNG, offshore the Rovuma basin
TNPA & Vopak seal the deal on the Richards Bay Liquid Bulk Terminal development
Durban Port Multi-Million Rand Tug Jetty Project moving ahead
REMEMBRANCE: Whitehall, London, Sunday
EU NAVFOR Med Irini operation seizes illegal cargo heading for Libya
WHARF TALK: specialised longliner OCEAN AZUL
IN CONVERSATION: Kenya Standard Gauge Railway contracts: what released documents say, and what they don’t
New Books: HMS Fearless
Russian Antarctic Expedition ship, Akademik Fedorov to call at Cape Town
Airfreight: Emirates places order for five new Boeing 777-200R freighter aircraft
Force Majeure back in effect on Richards Bay Coal Line

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Tuesday’s Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Tuesday’s africa Ports & Ships Maritime News

Here are today’s News Headlines:

APL Austria heads for Durban where swells close port
ExxonMobil buys 25% of natural gas block in Mozambique
Hamburg’s Claus-Peter Offen takes over Conti
Freight Forwarding association formed in Ghana
Mystery whereabouts of South Africa’s Chief Harbour Master
Bridge rising above the waters of Maputo Harbour
Video: Watch barge carrier being rescued from going aground
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pics of the Day : BONITO

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