Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 29 April 2022

Africa Ports & Ships maritime news 25 April 2022

Here are the News Headlines


Coal from Botswana’s Morupule mine exported via Maputo
WHARF TALK: visiting French naval squadron – FNS MISTRAL
Mozambique to establish sovereign fund as plans firm up for export of natural gas from Coral Sul FLNG
Double success for Shell’s discoveries offshore Namibia
IMO and fishing vessel safety
WHARF TALK:  In Cape Town harbour – MSC ORCHESTRA
IN CONVERSATION: Changes in sub-Saharan maize trade spells potential trouble for Kenya
TRADE NEWS: Seahaven, the world’s largest inflatable lifeboat
Vale concludes sale of Moatize coal mine & Nacala Logistics Corridor to Vulcan Resources
IN CONVERSATION: Africa faces huge food-supply obstacles in a just transition – and time is running out
CMA CGM’s MOZEX service opens door to citrus exports through Maputo
WHARF TALK: small reefer vessel – SILVER COPENHAGEN
NovaMarine expands technologies service offering to Walvis Bay
IN CONVERSATION: Africa faces hard knocks as rich countries take manufacturing back home
Pakistan frigate PNS Shamsheer seizes nearly one ton of illicit drugs at sea off Oman
Guinea’s Kamsar port takes delivery of amen Multi Cat 2409 vessel
Walvis Bay Container Terminal up for concessioning
New cyclone (Jasmine) brews in Mozambique Channel
Illicit maritime activity: South Africa signs Jeddah Amendment
Rehabilitation & expansion of Nacala port nearing completion
IN CONVERSATION: How geology put a South African city (and its port) at risk of landslides
CMA CGM reinstates its Indian Ocean (IO) Feeder 3 service
Managing blackout risks on passenger ships: New DNV focus on safety

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