Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Here are the News Headlines:
PIRACY: Atlantic Princess (IMO 8124412) boarded off Ghana coast and 5 crew kidnapped
WHARF TALK: CELSIUS RAVENNA – tankers on a conveyor belt
Two ships collide in Beira Harbour
WHARF TALK: GREEN MOUNTAIN – general cargo ship in every sense
Sonandrill secures contract to drill 12 wells offshore of Angola
Kenya’s newest port, Lamu, opens today
project44 warns blank sailing schedules portend delays well into the summer
WHARF TALK: TILL JACOB – An unabated stream of LR tankers to Mother City
DNG Energy intends placing FSU at Ngqura to supply LNG bunker vessels
MSC Cruises to start Baltic cruising from July
WHARF TALK: AVANTI – part of a waiting game
Dredging of Kribi Port access channel completed
SCA given authority to widen and deepen Suez Canal
Tema Floating Storage Regasificaton Unit (FSRU) completed
WHARF TALK: HAI FENG 698 – reefer with a long history
MSC Virtuosa arrives in Southampton, ready to restart cruising in UK waters
IMO and energy efficient ship operation: A free online course launched
Transnet doubles its capacity to rail export grain to Durban
WHARF TALK: BBC PLATA – and Damen 3307 FCS
Maritime charities extend retraining funding to year end
WHARF TALK: PALANCA CADIZ – potholes, roads and refineries
The future is here: Vale’s 325,000-ton sailing ship about to go into service
HMS Queen Elizabeth on pre-deployment exercise
WHARF TALK: SA Port Statistics for April 2021 are now available here
WHARF TALK: Durban Port Bulletin News
WHARF TALK: Durban Volume and Vessel Call Performance
WHARF TALK: AKADEMIK FEDOROV – Russian Antarctic supply vessel
HAPAG’s East Africa Service EAS 3 arrives EA this week
Trinity House to replace Channel Lightvessel with Type 1 buoy
WHARF TALK: COOL SPIRIT – smaller version of impressive Cool Eagle
Protecting human rights at sea: New due diligence tool