Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 16 January 2022

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News headlines:


Ship sinks off Madagascar, 83 dead, five missing
Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) declares force majeure over Cape Town power failure
WHARF TALK: Not quite a cruise ship – CONTI EVEREST
Watching the gangway: Port of Cape Town Multi-Purpose Terminal takes delivery of new mobile crane
Watching the gangway: Meet East London’s new port manager, Lwandile Mabuza
Watching the gangway: Dock strike at Ivory Coast’s Port of Abidjan suspended
Watching the gangway: New Mombasa Shipyard is commissioned 
Watching the gangway: On Africa: Tax revenues…
Watching the gangway: …and coal
Watching the gangway: Biodiesel
Watching the gangway: Port of Dover
Watching the gangway: Höegh Xiamen
Watching the gangway: Barcelona Europe South Terminal BEST
Watching the gangway: WHO and ILO form Action Group
Watching the gangway: Jamaica and the IMO Council
Watching the gangway: ClassNK and Remote Surveys
WHARF TALK: Heavylift vessel – ANNETTE
WHARF TALK: SA Port Statistics for November 2021
Breaking News: Ports Regulator rules on TNPAS Tariff application
Shock and surprise as South Africa voted off the IMO Council
A NEW BOOK: Trading with the Enemy
IN CONVERSATION: Checkpoint ‘taxes’ make South Sudan one of the most expensive places to move goods
Container ship Tonsberg thought to be the pirated vessel in Gulf of Guinea
DP World & DRC sign final agreement on developing Banana port
WHARF TALK: combi wood products carrier – LEROS 1
Transnet says it is continuing to implement Government’s Localisation policy
Zimbabwe runs short on fuel as Port of Beira stops pumping
Maersk reveals innovative methanol-fueled containership design
Labour dispute sees Freeport of Monrovia gates locked by court sheriff
IMO adopts amendments to expand Council to 52 states
WHARF TALK: tug on a mission – POSH OSPREY
HMS Queen Elizabeth returns home to UK
UN continues international counter-piracy patrols off Somalia for 3 months
IMO and the Central and Eastern Mediterranean: Pollution preparedness workshops
SA’s Imperial opens new multi-user logistics base in Germany
Euler Hermes Outlook: South Africa to see rise in exports in 2021, 2022 and 2023
Euro-Atlantic security: NATO SG praises France’s contributions
MSC suspends South African cruises until 9 January
IN CONVERSATION: Planned seismic survey by Shell has kicked up a storm in South Africa. Here’s an explainer

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 30-31 January 2021

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines for the week commencing 24 January 2021

Front Page: MSC IRENE

Piracy: Another ship, Rowayton Eagle boarded by pirates
Total (Mozambique) looking at setting up logistics base on Mayotte
French naval ship Nivôse intercepts dhow in Mozambique Channel, discovers large drug cache
Vale signals an end to Moatize coal operations: first step to exit coal production
IN CONVERSATION: Discovery of two giant radio galaxies offers fresh insights into the universe
CMA CGM to operate & manage new multi-purpose terminal at Alexandria
Thome signs up to Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change
SPECIAL REPORT: Tristan da Cunha: World’s most remote inhabited archipelago becomes model of sustainability
Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway fails to perform to expectations
ClassNK updates ‘Guidelines for Remote Surveys’
IN CONVERSATION: Attacks at sea aren’t all linked to piracy. Why it’s important to unpick what’s what
Fatalities within the fishing sector remain low for two consecutive years — SAMSA
49th South African Motor Launch Flotilla: hidden by history
IN CONVERSATION: Why the Indian Ocean is spawning strong and deadly tropical cyclones
Black Sea and Mediterranean fish stocks: First glimmer of hope in decades
Infinity Maritime announces broker ecosystem with world leading ship brokers
Hapag-Lloyd MIAX service disrupted by pirate attack on Mozart
Transnet National Ports Authority transfers head office to Ngqura
Dredging of Lake Victoria around Kisumu takes place
Making life easier for the haulier post-Brexit
South African scientists who discovered new COVID-19 variant share what they know
DNV GL drops the GL as it gears up for transformation
Carnival delays a resumption of cruising in the US, Europe & Australia
EU-BREXIT trade accord, nearly there
WHARF TALK: Cape Town shipping remains active
Biden must not let the Indian Ocean slip away like the South China Sea
Kenya Railways re-introduces over 500 wagons to metre-gauge Rift Valley Railway
MSC Grandiosa returns to sea with passengers
RightShip and INTERCARGO: An important new quality standard for the dry bulk sector
Pirates board container ship Mozart in Gulf of Guinea. One crew killed, 15 abducted  UPDATED
Tropical Cyclone Eloise nears Mozambique coast   UPDATED

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 22-24 January 2021

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Here are the News Headlines:


Pirates board container ship Mozart in Gulf of Guinea. One crew killed, 15 abducted 
Tropical Cyclone Eloise nears Mozambique coas
DP World and Senegal sign agreement to develop Ndayane Port
CEVA continues expansion into Egypt & Ethiopia
ONE signs long-term charter for six Ultra-Large 24,000-TEU container ships
Hapag-Lloyd orders six 23,500-TEU container ships from Daewoo
SHIPPING TRENDS: The bull run is wreaking havoc with cargo delays in major ports
NEW BOOKS: The Eastern Fleet and the Indian Ocean, 1942–1944: The Fleet that Had to Hide by Charles Stephenson
ONE adds Hamburg & Antwerp to strengthen West Africa Service — African Rainbow Shuttle (ARS)
UN issues Joint Statement on Mozambique security crisis
CMA CGM announces new rotation for West Africa-South America service
WHARF TALK: SA Port Statistics for December 2020 are now available here
IMO at work around Africa: Cameroon, Mediterranean, MENA
IN CONVERSATION: South Africa failed to get its act together on vaccines: here’s how
Total pulls out of LNG site in northern Mozambique: UN declares concerning at deteriorating situation as 565,000 people are displaced
Cyclone Eloise strikes Madagascar, threatens Mozambique & Northern KZN
Famous brand Manica disappears as CMA CGM’s CEVA takes over
SAMSA warns of harmful substances spilled at sea
IN CONVERSATION: Climate change: what would 4°C of global warming feel like?
Ports and shore side power   Video Conferencing
CMA CGM introduces new MEDWAX service linking Europe & West Africa: improvements to EURAF 3 and WAZZAN services
TRADE NEWS: ClassNK certifies ‘Kawasaki Integrated Maritime Solutions’
Jamaica and Kenya sign MOU: Reciprocal Recognition of STCW Certificates
New ISWAN research: Highlights benefits of regular social interaction on board
IN CONVERSATION: South African astronomy has a long, rich history of discovery – and a promising future
Another Maersk container ship threatened by West African pirates
Grindrod’s Hesper Engineering acquires Mossel Bay engineering stalwart
NSRI called to rescue seafarer from passing bulk carrier
Promoting intra-African trade: UNCTAD Secretary-General wins award
New dawn for SA trade with Africa

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Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Here are the News Headlines:

First View : CIELO DI JARI
Ngqura port’s new liquid bulk facility makes progress
TNPA testing helicopter marine pilot transfer service at Port of Cape Town
Controversy rages over DoT’s high cube container decision
Taking transformation of Island View precinct another stage further
NSRI rescues ill seafarer off immobilised chokka boat
Former RMS St Helena sold again and returning to the UK
CMA CGM confirms its intention of turning CEVA into a leading logistics provider
Hundreds of UK troops deploy on Exercise Trident Juncture
ClassNK releases ‘ClassNK MRV Portal (IMO DCS)’
Expected Ship Arrivals and Ships in Port
Cruise News and Naval Activities
Pics of the Day : ADFINES SKY

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