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Bringing you shipping, freight, trade and transport related news of interest for Africa since 2002
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These news reports are updated and added to on an ongoing basis. Check back regularly for the latest news as it develops – where necessary refresh your page at
Click on headline to go direct to story : use the BACK key to return
- First View 1: SC SCORPIO & SC DRACO
- MSC Musica racing back to Durban after gales force delays at Cape Town UPDATE 05h30 Monday
- China in push to extend Nacala to Moatize railway into Zimbabwe
- South African port statistics for calendar year 2018
- Winds delay MSC Musica outside Cape Town
- Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office expands Bathymetric capabilities
- Polarcus commences offshore Namibian seismic survey for Portuguese energy company Galp
- TransNamib and Botswana Railways agree on Gobabis Container Terminal
- News from earlier this week…
- Possible new cyclone warning for mid Mozambique Channel, tracking south
- Most UK ports unprepared for Brexit
- TUI takes delivery of New Mein Schiff 2 cruise ship
- Angola sets up National Oil and Gas Agency
- Ethiopia-Eritrea railway gets offer of Italian financial help
- Only international action will stop increase in piracy, says BIMCO
- Port of Felixstowe and DFDS boost capacity
- New locomotives for Camrail arrive in Douala
- FEATURE: Ten developments that will shape Africa’s energy sector in 2019
- Cyclone Desmond dumps heavy rain on Beira and central Mozambique
- Submariners celebrate 50 years of success of Navy’s ultimate mission, Part 2
- Verbrugge Terminals’ new permanent shipping line with South America
- Armscor CEO Kevin Wakeford named in Zondo Commission takes special leave
- Cyclone TC10S Desmond update — second storm over northern Madagascar
- World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos-Klosters 22-25 January 2019
- Submariners celebrate 50 years of success of Navy’s ultimate mission
- Partnerships & removal of barriers is key to Africa’s emergence, says DP World head
- Sailors’ Society South African Dedication Service
- IAPH seeks a new Secretary-General
- SAMSA’s role in the South African economy: interview with COO Sobantu Tilayi
- West Africa piracy attacks increase — IMB annual 2018 report
- SAMSA celebrates 20 years of existence
- BIMCO’s Dry Bulk Terminals Vetting Report for 2018
- Cyclone warning in Southern Mozambique Channel, threat to Northern Mozambique
- IRClass and Government of Assam MoU
- North Sea Port monitoring the Brexit closely
Some news you may have missed from last week….
- Port statistics for December 2018 are now available
- NSRI called to medivac injured seaman from deepsea fishing vessel
- CMA CGM adjusts its EURAF 4 & EURAF 5 West Africa services
- Lunar New Year brings adjustments to CMA CGM African services
- Cultivating human resources for marine resource development
- Chad is offered 10 hectare logistics base in Cameroonian port of Douala
- Relief for Apapa as 2-km Wharf Road is completed and ready to be opened
- Congestion as Jambo ferry breaks down, stranding Mombasa commuters
- Spanish Sener group to design new Tanzanian Lake Victoria ferry
- Tsavliris Salvage joins forces with Green Award Foundation
- The masthead today is Port of Cape Town, Sturrock dry dock
News continues below

By coincidence or otherwise, two sister ship tankers recently sailed from Durban one after the other – the product tankers SC SCOPRIO (IMO 9801079) and SC DRACO (IMO 9752022). SC Scorpio (40,964-dwt, built 2017) arrived a day ahead of her older sister SC Draco (40,924-dwt, built 2016) but when it came time to depart both ships sailed together, with Scorpio leading the way out and followed some minutes later by SC Draco. In the lower picture Scorpio can be seen on the horison turning towards the south. These pictures are by Keith Betts
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MSC MUSICA, which was delayed for two days outside the port at Cape Town last week following the ship’s return from Walvis Bay, finally entered port on Saturday 26 January and has since sailed for Durban, where she is to resume her scheduled cruises to Mozambique destinations.
The strong gale force winds at Cape Town prevented the ship from entering port as scheduled on the morning of 24 January (Thursday). When the winds failed to lessen the cruise ship went to anchor off Sea Point and was able to enter port only in the early hours of Saturday morning, 26 January.
Having discharged her passengers and taken on board those new arrivals sailing to a planned Port Elizabeth call and Durban as her destination, MSC Musica left Cape Town port at around noon on the same day.
Due to the delay the scheduled call at Port Elizabeth was cancelled and the ship is currently making 18.5 knots in a strong easterly wind and on Sunday mid-afternoon was off the East Cape coast opposite Kenton-on-Sea.
MSC Musica is now scheduled to arrive off Durban tomorrow (Monday, 28 January 2019) at noon to disembark passengers before sailing again for the Mozambique coast. Her scheduled departure for Mozambique is unlikely to be much delayed, with the ship having caught up on lost time, or so it is hoped.
UPDATE: At 05h30 this morning, Monday 28 January, MSC Musica was a little south of Port Edward and sailing towards Durban at 17.6 knots. Her ETA should be late morning.
MSC Musica will continue cruising out of Durban until April when she returns to the Mediterranean after a six-month season in South African waters.
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China Railways is once again proposing that a railway be built connecting Zimbabwe with the existing railway from Mozambique’s Tete province at Moatize to the port at Nacala.
This follows a delegation headed by China’s Vice President Shao Gang which visited both countries last year during which the proposal was made.
It calls for a 400-kilomtere section of new railway to be built connecting the Zimbabwe railhead at Shamva, north-east of Harare, with Moatize in Tete province, Mozambique.
At Moatize the line would connect with…[restrict] the existing 912-km 1067mm gauge (Cape gauge) railway built by Brazilian mining group Vale and its mainly Japanese partners, that is now in use to handle 100% of Vale Moçambique’s coal exports. The Nacala Corridor stretches through Malawi before re-entering Mozambique in Cabo Delgado province and ends at the ports of Nacala and Nacala-a-Velha – the latter being the new coal terminal and port.

The Chinese delegation included its local partner Global Power Bridge International.
The Chinese partners include also China’s New Century Energy International, which has a US$500 million large-scale soybean production project in Zimbabwe. The latter is looking for an alternate route to the sea other than through Durban in South Africa or via Maputo in southern Mozambique.
Why the existing railway lines to the central port of Beira and the southern port of Maputo are not sufficient for its needs is not clear leaving t to appear that the objective is to have Mozambique invest in the new infrastructure, assisted by soft Chinese loans.
“We have been working closely with Global Power Bridge International to establish the foundations of the rail project and we are ready to start it,” said vice president Shao.
In its current financial situation Zimbabwe is also not in a good position to commit to such infrastructural investment, whereas the railway from Bulawayo to Maputo is in need of maintenance but remains serviceable.
The President of the Mozambique state-owned railway organisation, CFM, said last year that his company intended investing US$200 million in the modernisation of the railway network over a three year period. This corresponds with a wave of railway reconstruction and refurbishment sweeping the sub-continent, financed mostly with foreign loans or tied in to mining agreements as is the example of the Moatize – Nacala corridor in which Vale has a major interest.
What is more eye-catching is another Chinese proposal that a 1,700-kilometre railway be built to connect the town of Binga on the Zimbabwe-Zambian border, with the port at Nacala due east. The purpose of this line is not as clear as the Shamva-Moatize proposal.[/restrict]
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Statistics for the calendar year 2018, courtesy TNPA, reveal that the eight ports under the control of the TNPA showed an increase of 1.33% in cargo tonnages handled for the year compared with that of 2017. The actual tonnages handled for the 2018 calendar year was 294.290 million tonnes (mt), compared to 290.428mt achieved in the calendar year 2017, which was then a 2.473% increase on 2016.
Figures for the five years from 2014 to 2018 are reflected below in the tables.
Container volumes at all ports increased by just short of 250,000 TEU (5.36%) to reach 4.883 million TEU. The port of Durban, which had remained ‘stagnant’ in terms of container volumes over several years, produced an encouraging 9.50% improvement on 2017.
Port tonnages in this report include a calculation made for container weights where applicable, based on an average of 13.5 tonnes per TEU. Africa PORTS & SHIPS is unique in presenting these figures this way, which present an accurate and historically comparable picture of the port performances. See the tables for details.
Details of volumes by individual port are set out below.
Figures for the respective ports during the calendar years 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014:[restrict]
PORT | 2018 mt | 2017 mt | 2016 mt | 2015 mt | 2014 mt |
Richards Bay | 103.550 | 99.984 | 99.588 | 102.657 | 94.783 |
Durban | 83.161 | 78.106 | 76.828 | 79.840 | 81.188 |
Saldanha Bay | 63.424 | 69.946 | 66.527 | 71.820 | 64.729 |
Cape Town | 15.966 | 15.900 | 16.733 | 16.721 | 15.587 |
Port Elizabeth | 13.096 | 11.676 | 11.229 | 11.538 | 12.217 |
Ngqura | 11.703 | 11.022 | 7.789 | 8.649 | 9.588 |
Mossel Bay | 1.311 | 1.744 | 1.832 | 2.518 | 2.029 |
East London | 2.078 | 2.050 | 2.531 | 2.946 | 2.211 |
Total all ports | 294.290mt | 290.428mt | 283.058mt | 296.689mt | 282.342mt |
CONTAINERS (measured by TEUs)
(TEUs include Deepsea, Coastal, Transship and empty containers all subject to being invoiced by TNPA
PORT | 2018 TEUs | 2017 TEUs | 2016 TEUs | 2015 TEUs | 2014 TEUs |
Durban | 2,956,670 | 2,699,978 | 2,620,026 | 2,770,335 | 2,664,330 |
Cape Town | 898,147 | 881,913 | 926,611 | 888,976 | 892,557 |
Port Elizabeth | 184,208 | 168,283 | 152,455 | 216,629 | 259,917 |
Ngqura | 774,899 | 806,090 | 572,021 | 636,663 | 705,377 |
East London | 59,787 | 63,324 | 71,901 | 66,293 | 41,957 |
Richards Bay | 6,510 | 15,241 | 12,302 | 19,011 | 24,189 |
Total all ports | 4,883,329 | 4,634,829 | 4,355,320 | 4,597,922 | 4,588,419 |
MOTOR VEHICLES HANDLED (measured by Units/tons)
PORT | 2018 CEUs | 2017 CEUs |
Durban | 487,162 | 455,374 |
Port Elizabeth | 109,799 | 125,117 |
East London | 103,576 | 110,120 |
Cape Town | 70 | 78 |
Richards Bay | 64 | 101 |
Total All Ports | 700,671 | 691,490 |
SHIP CALLS MADE IN 2018 & 2017 with gross tonnages
PORT | 2018 vessels | 2018-gt | 2017 vessels | 2017-gt |
Durban | 3061 | 114,375,272 | 3323 | 121,429,871 |
Cape Town | 1604 | 47,669,847 | 2031 | 49,866,339 |
Richards Bay | 1922 | 72,619,945 | 1850 | 72,207,967 |
Port Elizabeth | 958 | 29,080,769 | 937 | 29,453,538 |
Saldanha Bay | 433 | 31,943,202 | 533 | 35,818,157 |
Ngqura | 556 | 33,895,606 | 485 | 31,032,920 |
East London | 298 | 10,226,209 | 312 | 10,303,627 |
Mossel Bay | 370 | 2,378,189 | 350 | 2,600,807 |
Total ship calls | 9202 | 342,189,039 | 9821 | 352,713,226 |
– source TNPA, but with adjustments made by Ports & Ships to include container tonnages
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MSC MUSICA has been forced to go to anchor opposite Sea Point/Green Point because of high winds that have prevented the 294-metre cruise ship from entering the port at Cape Town.
As a result her departure for Port Elzaibeth and Durban scheduled for later in the day has been delayed.
MSC Musica returned from her final cruise to Walvis Bay and arrived off Cape Town at around 05h30 yesterday. Her arrival coincided with Cape Town experiencing one of its famous (infamous ?) ‘Cape Doctor’ easterly gales which made it impossible to bring the ship safely into port.
After several hours of idling outside in Table Bay the ship moved to the anchorage point opposite Sea Point where she has remained all yesterday and overnight.
MSC Musica is on her first cruise season in South Africa and operates mainly from the port of Durban, undertaking cruises to destinations off Mozambique. She recently completed her longest cruise which was from Durban to Mauritius and Reunion and on returning to Durban she sailed later that day for a short season sailing between Cape Town and Walvis Bay.
The cruise ship was due to have sailed later yesterday for Port Elizabeth and Durban to recommence cruising to Mozambique destinations as from Monday 28 January.
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Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office establishes new bathymetric capabilities with CARIS software

The Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office (NNHO) has selected Teledyne CARIS to provide solutions for both current and future national and international charting requirements.
Equipped with CARIS Ping-to-Chart technology, the NNHO is establishing new capabilities for bathymetric analysis, and completion of hydrographic and other geospatial data. These tools will ensure an efficient workflow for the production of electronic charts and paper charts according to both the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and NNHO standards.
The first part of the project was completed in late 2018, with delivery of software and training at the NNHO office in Lagos. It will continue into 2019 with professional services from Teledyne CARIS to help ensure a successful launch of their new software infrastructure.
The NNHO is organised into three sections, the Hydrographic Office, Hydrographic School, and the Survey Fleet, and is responsible for acting as the sole National Authority on hydrographic, charting and tidal matters.
The organisation holds the responsibility of meeting Nigeria’s commitment to hydrography and charting as a member state of the IHO. With the establishment of CARIS software solutions for survey processing, data analysis and chart production, the NNHO will be well positioned to address the critical importance of safe and efficient navigation.
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Portuguese energy company Galp says that Polarcus will commence this week with a seismic survey offshore of Namibia over its PEL83 Offshore Licence in the Orange Basin.
The 3D seismic survey comprises an area of around 3,000km2 in Namibia’s deepwater offshore. The survey is scheduled to start today (25 January) and will be completed during March.
The PEL83 licence was awarded in…[restrict] August 2016 by the Ministry of Mines and Energy to a Galp-led consortium that also includes the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia and Custos Energy and covers a total area of around 10,000 km2.
The area is located approximately 260km from Lüderitz in what is considered a ‘Frontier Exploration Basin.’
About Galp
Galp is a publicly held, Portuguese-based energy company, with an international presence. Its activities cover all stages of the energy sector’s value chain, from prospection and extraction of oil and natural gas from reservoirs located kilometres under the sea surface, to the development of efficient and environmentally sustainable energy solutions for customers – whether large industries that seek to increase their competitiveness, or individual consumers that seek the most flexible solutions for their home and mobility needs.
Galp says that it also contributes to the economic development of the 11 countries where it operates and to the social progress of the communities in which it operates. Galp employs 6,389 people.
The Polarcus vessel which this week was in Walvis Bay and is believed to be the research search handling this project is POLARCUS ALIMA (IMO 9538139), built 2011.[/restrict]
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The development of a container terminal at Gobabis has been the subject of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in Gaberone, Botswana, between Johny Smith, TransNamib CEO and Leonard Musa Makwinja, Botswana Railways CEO.
Gobabis is directly east of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia and is also the railhead closest to the Botswana border and the Kalahari Desert crossing. There is no railway at present connecting Namibia to Botswana but the Trans-Kalahari Corridor Highway (road) is handling an increasing volume of traffic involving cargo not only for Botswana but also some for South Africa.
The development of a container terminal at Gobabis is intended to bring about an increased trade between the two countries. The statement of the MoU said the terminal is expected to facilitate the development of import and export opportunities and to unlock value on the Trans-Kalahari corridor even though the two countries (and rail companies) are yet to be linked by rail.
The terminal will serve as a short to medium term partnership of connecting the two rail companies by way of a rail and road intermodal service between Namibia and Botswana.
The intermodal linkage from Walvis Bay to Gobabis will, therefore, reduce the road transportation return trip by approximately 1,200 km.
Both rail companies will be hoping that the agreement will help to bring life back into rail transport again while acting as a starting point for the development of the proposed Trans-Kalahari Railway project.
Included in the MoU just signed is collaboration in the areas of Business Development and Marketing, Benchmarking and Operational Excellence, Business Process Reengineering and Systems Maps, Train Plan Automatisation and Signalling Systems, Level Crossings and Siding Connectivity, and Human Capital related Learnings and Growth.
The Trans-Kalahari Corridor has been identified to hold potential to unlock significant commerce and trade opportunities for Namibia. The Trans-Kalahari Corridor is tripartite trans-boundary Corridor Management Institution, which was established with a political and economic vision to pursue or contribute towards deeper regional integration programmes of SADC and SACU.

Johny Smith previously headed up the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, a public-private partnership that was established in 2000 in order to promote the utilisation of the Walvis Bay Corridors. These are a network of transport corridors principally comprising the Port of Walvis Bay, the Trans-Kalahari Corridor (to Botswana), the Trans-Caprivi Corridor (to the Namibia-Zambia border), the Trans-Cunene Corridor (to southern Angola), and the Trans-Oranje Corridor (to South Africa).
This is to be achieved by linking the port of Walvis Bay to the port of Maputo on the east coast of Africa.
The Trans-Kalahari Corridor connects highways of Namibia, commencing at the Port of Walvis Bay through Kanye and Lobatse in Botswana, to South Africa mainly to the industrial heartland of the greater Gauteng in South Africa.
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This particular report, which refers to a storm possibly reaching tropical storm status (cyclone strength) in mid-Mozambique Channel and tracking south before rounding Madagsacr has been downrated overnight. This was located near 21.9S 40.8E, 186 nautical miles west-northwest of Tollara, Madagascar. Wind speeds…[restrict] to the northeast were of between 25 to 30 knots.
93S, which was the original designation for Cyclone Desmond, is experiencing moderate winds of 15 to 20 knots and global models predict this system will track southward to southeastward while possibly intensifying slightly. The system will transposition from a hybrid tropical/subtropical circulation into an extratropical system as it enters the mid-latitude westerlies.
Sustained maximum surface winds are estimated at 25 to 30 knots and minimum sealevel pressure near 1001 MB. The potential for the development of a significant tropical cyclone within the next 24 hours is however downgraded to medium.
On Wednesday afternoon the circulation centre was located near 20.5S 40.5E with the system then moving westward at 19 knots, 310 n.miles east-southeast of Beira and the advisory was predicting the potential for the development of a significant Tropical Cyclone within the next 12 hours as high. This is now cancelled.
Meanwhile, large amounts of rain have fallen over a wide area of Mozambique bringing flooding to the central parts of the country and to southern Malawi. Some places may still see up to 200mm of more rain while the same is possible for the northern half of Madagascar Image: JTWC.[/restrict]
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Eight out of ten leaders of UK ports admit to little or no Brexit planning

While pro-Brexit groups foresee a bright future for the UK as a global trading nation, chief executives and directors at ports and harbour authorities around the UK reveal that, with ten weeks to go, little or no planning has been done.
Leaders at almost every UK port and harbour authority – in total around 100 – were asked about their state of readiness by the Maritime & Shipping Practice at Odgers Berndtson, a leading executive search firm.
Odgers Berndtson has relationships with around 100 ports and port authorities across the UK, representing the vast majority of port operations, appointing many chief executives and directors in the sector. Within the past month it asked them about their readiness for Brexit and received replies from around a quarter (25), including most major ports.
Only 16% said they had made any “significant or practical” plans for Brexit. The remainder were equally split between ports doing “only some high-level planning” and nothing at all.
These findings, reported on 23 January, are significant as the Government hopes regional ports will reduce additional demands on busy ports in southern England.
In the words of Paul Butterworth (illustrated), head of the Maritime & Shipping Practice at Odgers Berndtson: “The ports industry is keen to seize on any opportunities arising from Brexit, but this is the first real indication of what’s actually happening outside ports like Dover.”
The heads of individual ports across the country, privately owned, as well as trust port authorities and ports groups, revealed that:
- Although most (over 80%) UK ports have done little or no planning for Brexit, over half (59%) expect a negative or strongly negative impact;
- Despite the lack of preparation, only 25% of UK port leaders think they are currently in a position to handle Brexit well. A third believe they could cope, but ideally with further investment, whilst over 40% either don’t know or doubt their ability to handle additional demands.
- Physical blockages and additional complexity arising from Brexit are the principal concerns of leadership teams, with around half (respectively 43.5% and 52%) giving these as their most pressing worries.
- Almost 80% gave physical infrastructure as their top priority for any further investment. Technology was first priority for 26%, with almost half (47%) making their second highest priority for additional investment.
Most of the senior management teams (83%) believe their ports have the right people to lead in the short term. However, a similar number identified investing in senior people as a priority, albeit less urgent than infrastructure and technology.
Added Butterworth: “Finding senior people with the right combination of talents to develop UK ports strategically is already hard, and Brexit has made it much harder.
“People are unwilling to take the risk and relocate with so much uncertainty. Traditionally both senior people and many semi-and unskilled workers in UK ports have come from across the European Union.
“While the UK aspires to attract a more global workforce, this doesn’t work at the top because the ports industry is very different in other parts of the world, and particularly the US. Meantime many senior people working in Asia don’t want to lose the higher lifestyles they currently enjoy.
About Odgers Berndtson
Odgers Berndtson is a leading executive search firm in the UK and globally, with 62 offices across 29 countries and more than 250 partners specialising in over 50 industry sectors.
The firm offers a wide range of role and sector expertise to find and develop senior executives and non-executive for quoted and privately held businesses and public organisations and has recently acted for over two-thirds of FTSE100 companies.
See also:
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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TUI Cruises took delivery this week of their latest cruise ship, the 111,500-gt NEW MEIN SCHIFF 2.
The handover took place in Kiel on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 some two years after construction of the ship commenced at the Meyer Turku shipyard in Finland. She transferred to Kiel earlier in January for some final equipment to be installed, owing to the icy conditions in Finland at the time.
The new ship is 315 metres in length and 36 metres wide and can accommodate up to…[restrict] 3,132 passengers in 1,437 cabins with 1,092 crew to look after them.
She is a sister ship to NEW MEIN SCHIFF 1 which was delivered in April 2018.
“The commissioning of our new Mein Schiff 2 marks the successful end of our first expansion phase. Our sixth newbuild by Meyer Turku not only impresses with its design, its inner values are equally convincing: With the use of modern technologies we are setting standards for environmental protection,” said TUI Cruises CEO Wybcke Meier.
Jan Meyer, chief executive officer of Meyer Turku said that it had been a thrill working with TUI Cruises on the design and construction of the ship. “We have redesigned many of the areas of the ship, e.g. the Schau Bar and the restaurant area in front of the aft diamond structure,” he said.
New Mein Schiff 2 will be christened in Lisbon on 9 February during her maiden cruise from Bremerhaven to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. She is flying the flag of Malta.
The earlier Mein Schiff 2 has been renamed MEIN SCHIFF HERZ and is to undergo a refit and drydocking in Marseilles between February and March. Built in 1997 the ship is to remain in the TUI fleet until 2022 when she transfers to TUI’s UK subsidiary company Marella Cruises. source: Meyer Turku

Video [1:35] YouTube and Unimedien
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As it sets about reforming the nation’s economy and in particular, its oil sector, Angola has announced the creation of the National Oil and Gas Agency (ANPG).
In Angolan style, this has been achieved by way of Presidential Decree No 15/19 published on 9 January, which transfers the concessionaire responsibilities of the previous agency, Sonangol, to the ANPG.
The purpose is stated to ensure “greater political coordination and…[restrict] elimination of conflict of interests, increased transparency and efficiency, and the creation of conditions conducive to internal and external investment,” in the oil sector.
With effect this amendment, Sonangol no longer holds exclusive rights to the prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons and no longer has the power to propose plans and programmes for the evaluation of oil and gas exploration potential and to propose implementation of regional development programmes in the sector.
At an organisational level, in addition to the Board of Directors and Audit Committee, a Management Board has been created, which is an advisory body composed of the chairman of the Board of Directors, the managers, the heads of several functional areas and the union representatives of the company.
The sector regulator now becomes the Ministry of Oil, with the state oil company, previously under Sonangol, now exclusively an investor.
According to The Africa Monitor newsletter, relations and coordination between the major oil multinationals in Angola and Sonangol have been improving under the new chairmanship of Carlos Saturnino, who took over the role from Isabel dos Santos.
Improved relations have resulted in increased investment in research and production, which is needed to reverse the negative trend in the country’s oil production, which last year saw the second largest decline among OPEC countries, to 1.5 million barrels per day, according to the latest OPEC report.
However, according to Africa Monitor, the oil companies have reservations about the possibility of creating the new Agency in the current context, mainly because of the potential for delays in the approval of new investment projects, due to the government’s focus on creating the ANPG and the process of splitting off and transferring responsibilities.
Other concerns, Africa Monitor reported, are related to the transfer of qualified human resources, which are already considered scarce, from Sonangol to the ANPG and potential inefficiencies of the future model, increasing the time it takes for foreign companies to assess and approve investment decisions. source: macauhub[/restrict]
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According to Ethiopian reports the proposed railway link between Addis Ababa and the Eritrean port city of Massawa could go ahead with financial support from the Italian government.
This followed an official visit to Rome by Ethiopia’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed who met with the Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, in which the Italian PM expressed his government’s interest in covering the…[restrict] feasibility study necessary for the rail project.
Landlocked Ethiopia is keen to explore options for alternate seaports which will lessen its dependence on neighbouring Djibouti, which currently handles between 90 and 95% of all Ethiopia’s seabased imports and exports.
Until recently Ethiopia and Eritrea were in a state of border conflict that has continued ever since Eritrea declared itself independent of Ethiopia in 1991. Since the ascent of prime minister Abiy Ahmed that conflict has been declared over and the two countries have begun cooperating socially and economically.
Italy’s connection with both countries goes back to it being the colonial power of both states until the end of World Ward 2. For a period both countries were joined politically though awkwardly.
Although roads exist between the two countries a working railway would provide Ethiopia with not only an alternate port at Massawa but possibly a preferred one as well.
Prime Minister Abiy expressed his gratitude for the government of Italy, saying: “The comprehensive discussion which I had with Giuseppe Conte in particular was important to take the bilateral relationship between Ethiopia and Italy to the next level… We are excited and accept with great honour Italy’s plan to extend support on Ethiopia’s plan to link Addis Ababa with Massawa via railway.”
The Italian prime minister called for enhanced cooperation between Ethiopia and Italy in the areas of development, peace, and tourism.
Ethiopia’s prime minister was visiting Italy prior to attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.[/restrict]
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A fresh annual report from the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) shows that attacks in West Africa pushed piracy numbers up in 2018. In terms of military and law enforcement, an international operation is not complicated, so what is needed above all is the will to act – BIMCO.
According to the bureau’s report, there were 201 incidents reported to the IMB last year (including six hijackings) – all of which happened in the Gulf of Guinea. That is a rise from 180 incidents in 2017 and from 191 in 2016.
The report also showed that the region saw a considerable spike in violence in the last quarter of the year, with 41 kidnappings in the waters…[restrict] off Nigeria alone. In West Africa, there appears to be challenges with underreporting, which is estimated at as much as 40%, the report says.
Where there is a will…
Turning the tide of piracy and attacks is not a difficult operation in terms of military and law enforcement, according to Jakob P Larsen, BIMCO Head of Maritime Security. The will to act and get both local and international involvement and cooperation on the other hand, may be.
“To be honest, unless we see international naval support and close cooperation between international navies and local law enforcement, I doubt that we will see the numbers go down in any significant way,” Larsen says.
“Significant capacity building is going on in the region and naval forces are being trained, but these initiatives are all aimed at the longer term and do not solve the problem right now. Therefore, we need to step up the effort. Only then can we really turn the tide on piracy in the region,” he says.
Larsen believes that what is needed is to combine the capacity building with more assets at sea and in the air in order to achieve a more robust local law enforcement.
Not a complicated operation from a military point of view
He has noticed a tendency to believe that because of other marine activity in the area such as supply vessels, fishing vessels and other small boats, an anti-piracy operation would be very difficult, complicated and involve a big risk of firing at the wrong people.
“I don’t agree. I don’t think it is very difficult, nor too risky, and I believe that the challenges are sometimes exaggerated,” Larsen says.
“From a strictly military and law enforcement point of view, this is not a complicated operation, and it has been done before in other parts of the world with success. It may however be complicated from a political point of view. It all comes down to will. If local politicians and the international community are willing to support this, then it can be done relatively easily,” he says.
Today, the local navies are doing a tremendous job with the resources they have available. Battling both insurgencies, terror organisations and other criminal activities however, there are simply not enough law enforcement resources to fully tackle the piracy threat. The result is that pirates continue to strike in the Gulf of Guinea and continue to constitute a big threat to commercial shipping.
“In the light of the new report, showing that piracy rose in 2018, we are once again calling for international navies to deploy to the region of West Africa primarily, and to cooperate closely with law enforcement from the region,” Larsen says and continues:
“This is in the interest of everybody. It is obviously in the interest of the seafarers, but each and every one of the naval powers in the world have a strategic interest in this region, since there is a lot of strategic commodities that comes out of the Gulf of Guinea region. It really is in the interest of the international society to make this trade smoother, and to protect the seafarers on whom we so deeply depend to keep the trade flowing,” Larsen says.[/restrict]
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The Port of Felixstowe and leading Danish ferry operator DFDS have agreed to increase ro-ro capacity at the UK port by over 40% through investment in a new link span, tractor units and additional trailer parking facilities.
Commenting on the move, Clemence Cheng, Chief Executive Officer at the Port of Felixstowe and Executive Director, Hutchison Ports, said: “As well as being the UK’s largest container port, Felixstowe is also a key gateway for roll-on/roll-off trade with Europe. Demand on DFDS’s service to Rotterdam has been growing steadily for a number of years and we are delighted to have agreed a new contract with them to secure the service at Felixstowe for another 15 years.
“The new contract includes a significant investment by Hutchison Ports replacing one of our existing ro-ro bridges with a modern floating link span capable of handling the latest generation of ro-ro vessels and creating over 300 additional trailer spaces for unaccompanied ro-ro traffic.”
Niels Smedegaard, CEO & President of DFDS, said: “We are very happy to continue our excellent relation with the Port of Felixstowe and their ro-ro staff. We are very excited about this investment which allows us to further enhance the high level of customer service that is expected by our clients. It is also a further step in our striving to provide necessary capacity to continue supporting our customers’ trade and business, even in a possible post-Brexit world.”
Clemence Cheng added: “This investment is driven by our long-term confidence in the ro-ro route between Felixstowe and Rotterdam. We are seeing increasing interest in both ro-ro and short sea container connections at all three of our UK ports as shippers seek to minimise risks to their supply chains resulting from Brexit.”
Edited by Paul Ridgway
- Felixstowe is also a major port of entry for container traffic between South Africa and the UK – AP&S
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Cameroon Railways (Camrail), which is operated by the Bolloré Group, has taken delivery in the port of Douala of a batch of five diesel-electric locomotives.
The new locos arrived from the US General Electric (GE) company last Thursday 17 January, part of an order of nine locomotives.
Business in Cameroon reports that…[restrict] four of these locomotives have been purchased by the Cameroon government.
The 3,300 horsepower locomotives cost XAF 12.3 billion (US$ 21.3 million).
Twelve Cameroonian workshop technicians went to the United States for training at GE with the new locomotives.
A second batch of four locos is expected in Cameroon later this year. The locos that arrived last week are expected to enter service on Camrail within a few weeks.
According to a statement issued by Camrail, the locomotive acquisition forms part of the 2nd five-year rail investment plan which includes acquiring a fleet of passenger coaches in order for Camrail to re-launch passenger services.
An order for 25 passenger coaches has been placed with the Franco-Korean company CIM-SSRT for long-distance passenger travel, while five regional train multiple unit sets for suburb-type services are to be delivered by the Swiss Stadler company.[/restrict]
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2019 will be key for the advancement of new exploration and production development projects from West to East Africa
After a year of rebound and recovery, Africa’s old and new hydrocarbons markets have an opportunity to further entrench the continent’s position as the world’s hottest oil and gas frontier in 2019. However, the new year also brings a new set of dynamics and challenges set to influence the future of the industry, from presidential elections to megaprojects developments, amidst intensifying international competition.
New African frontiers opening up
Independents are leading the way in exploring and opening up new frontiers across Africa. This year will be key for the advancement of new exploration and production development projects from West to East Africa. Developments to watch notably include Senegal’s SNE field development, where FEED works are ongoing and…[restrict] a final investment decision (FID) is expected by Woodside Energy and Cairn Energy this year; Niger’s Amdigh oilfield development, where Savannah Petroleum’s $5m early production scheme is set to start anytime soon; and the opening up of Kenya’s South Lokichar Basin by Tullow Oil, where FID is also expected before year end amidst rising tensions with the Turkana local community.
A year to confirm Africa as a global exploration hotspot
Ongoing bidding rounds in key existing and new African hydrocarbons markets will tell if Africa further confirms its position as the world’s new exploration hotspot and manages to attract necessary investment in its oil and gas acreages.
Amongst well-established African producers, OPEC members Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville each have ongoing bidding rounds. Gabon’s 12th shallow and deep-water licensing round is set to close in April 2019 and Congo-Brazzaville’s License round phase II in June 2019. With both countries struggling to implement their new Hydrocarbons Codes, the success of these rounds will tell if investors have been convinced by policy reforms developed over the past two years.
Two bigger African producers and also OPEC members, Nigeria and Angola, are set to launch landmark and out-of-the-ordinary bidding rounds this year. Nigeria will auction its gas flare sites under the Nigerian Gas Flare Commercialisation Programme, likely to happen after the February general election, and Angola will hold its Marginal Fields Bidding Round, result of a new May 2018 policy enacted by President Lourenço, and to be launched at the Africa Oil & Power conference in Luanda in June 2019. With the Nigerian Petroleum Industry Bill yet to be signed and the ink still fresh on Angola’s new policy regime, both rounds will also be key in assessing investors’ interest for both countries’ business environments.
Also attracting interest is the newest and arguably one of the upcoming entrants – Ghana – holding its 1st formal licensing round set to close in May 2019 which has reportedly got the attention of 16 oil companies, including majors ExxonMobil, BP, Total and ENI. As a hopeful new East African offshore frontier, Madagascar is also putting 44 concessions on offer until May 2019, none of which has ever been tendered or explored before. For a country without any major oil discovery to date, the ongoing license round is a wager test.
Africa’s struggling FLNG industry
After the start of commercial operations at Golar LNG’s Hilli Episeyo FLNG vessel in Cameroon in June 2018, hopes were high that Equatorial Guinea would soon move forward with its own Fortuna FLNG project, set to be Africa’s first deep-water FLNG development. While Fortuna was to be game changing for the gas industry of Equatorial Guinea and the rest of the continent, the development of the US$2bn project has stalled due to a lack of financing. And the clock has been ticking since. The lack of progress on this plan has been so slow that operator Ophir Energy has been denied the extension of its license to operate block R (as of January this year), which contains the giant Fortuna gas discovery. While Equatorial Guinea’s FLNG aspirations look more uncertain than ever, 2019 will tell if the country can find the right partners to put the project back on Africa’s FLNG map.
Meanwhile, new entrants in Africa’s hydrocarbons stage are making remarkable advances towards the development of their own FLNG industry. On 21 December last year, BP finally announced its FID for phase 1 of the cross-border Greater Tortue Ahmeyim development between Senegal and Mauritania, which involves the installation of a 2.5MTPA FLNG facility. It became the third African FLNG project to reach FID after Cameroon’s 2.4MTPA Hilli Episeyo and Mozambique’s 3.4MTPA Coral South FLNG.
Mega projects on the move
Africa’s come back on the global oil and gas map is not only due to the vast natural resources found in its soil and waters, but also to the continent being home to mega energy projects set to transform the future of the industry.
On the upstream side, the recent inter-governmental cooperation agreement between Senegal and Mauritania, and BP’s FID on its cross-border Greater Tortue Ahmeyim development, bodes well for the future of West Africa’s hydrocarbons industry. The project aims at extracting the 15Tcf of gas estimated to be held in the Tortue gas field, located at a depth of 2,850 metres. However, the ability of both Senegal and Mauritania to work out their differences to ensure a more sustainable development of their offshore reserves and facilities around the MSGBC Basin is a factor to watch out for.
African mega gas projects are not the sole property of the continent’s West coast, with Mozambique moving forward with two landmark projects putting the Southern African nation on the global LNG map. Following the launch of the Coral South FLNG project by ENI in June 2017, a FID is now expected in the coming months for the Anardarko-led Mozambique LNG project, an onshore LNG development initially consisting of two LNG trains totaling 12.88MTPA to export the gas extracted from the offshore Area 1, estimated to contain a whooping 75Tcf.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest petroleum producers, Nigeria, is also moving forward with massive oil development projects in 2019. Last year already saw the launch of Total’s $3.3bn Egina FPSO in Nigeria, where production officially started in the first days of 2019 and is set to peak at 200,000 bopd. FID is now expected on Shell’s Bonga Southwest offshore field in Nigeria early this year, a multi billion-dollars development whose production is expected to reach 180,000 bopd.
International contenders and pretenders
As Africa strengthens its position at the centre of global transformations, it is increasingly becoming the playground for international actors willing to benefit from the continent’s vast resources.
While China has asserted its position of a contender in the continent, will new continental dynamics lead the Asian giant to change its investment strategy or portfolio? With Russia’s intentions on the continent becoming clearer and clearer, will the first Russia-Africa Summit this year translate into more concrete Russian deals across the continent? At the same time, will the US’ “Prosper Africa” initiative launched in December 2018 be able to counter both rising international competition and declining US influence on the continent?
A complex energy diplomacy dilemma for OPEC in Africa
With a majority of its members made up of African nations since the joining of the Republic of Congo in June 2018, OPEC’s evolving relationship with the continent as it strives to manage the global supply glut will be requiring skillful diplomatic ingenuity.
On one side, Africa’s biggest producers and OPEC members Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Angola and Congo-Brazzaville, are striving to boost their domestic output, which makes it harder and harder for the Organisation to negotiate its production cuts.
On the other side, the continent is also home to a flurry of upcoming petroleum producers like Senegal, Kenya or Uganda, or old players making a comeback like South Sudan, some of them part of OPEC’s Declaration of Cooperation, whose upcoming or increasing output adds another layer of complexity to the formulation of OPEC’s global oil prices management strategy.
An increasing African output from OPEC and non-OPEC member countries only complicates OPEC’s manoeuvre capabilities and increases its dilemma of both providing a stable pricing environment conducive to investments, while avoiding a worsening of the supply glut that would push prices further down.
Africa’s biggest petroleum producers casts their ballots
Amongst the series of elections happening in the continent this year, from Senegal to Mozambique, none will be more important for the African oil sector than that of Nigeria this February. The Nigerian presidential election is set to shape the future of the industry, not only because Nigeria is Africa’s biggest oil & gas producer, but because what happens in Nigeria impacts the rest of the subcontinent one way or the other. While both Muhammadu Buhari, seeking re-election, and his ally turned rival Atiku Abubakar have committed to the signing of the Nigerian Petroleum Industry Bill, the ability of the future President to get his office in order and get the bill passed quickly will heavily influence investments within Nigeria’s hydrocarbons sector for years to come.
North, Algeria and Libya are also entering an election year, with the 2019 Libyan general election set for the first half of the year, and Algeria’s for April. Both countries are on a transformation path. Libyan authorities plan to more than double the country’s output to 2.1 million bopd by 2021, providing politics doesn’t tamper hydrocarbons governance and the work of the National Oil Company. With Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi set to stand for election and the country still divided between West and East, maintaining the stability required by investors will prove challenging.
In Algeria, where a wave of reform is shaking the entire hydrocarbons sector, elections are expected to maintain a relative status-quo, at least politically speaking. The country’s national oil company, Sonatrach, has launched an ambitious transformation strategy that will see it investing $56bn over the next four years and internationalizing its operations across major global energy markets. 2019 could even see the state-owned giant and Africa’s biggest company further expand south of the Sahara.
Angola’s steady road to reforms
Since taking office in the summer of 2017, Angolan President João Lourenço has been implementing a bullish reformist agenda which is drastically transforming the governance of the country’s oil & gas sector. Angola is reforming fast, but will market forces allow changes to happen at that pace and yield the results that the government is looking for?
While international investors seem to think so, with Total and BP signing major agreements to boost their Angolan operations over the past few months, 2019 will tell if the international oil industry is being convinced of Angola’s return as a competitive African frontier or not.
To showcase the work being done by Sonangol and the Angolan government to generate more investment in the country’s oil & gas industry, Angola is backing up an international conference being organised by Africa Oil & Power in Luanda on 4-6 June 2019, where it will be launching the Angolan Marginal Field Bidding Round. This will be the first official investment roadshow organized in Angola under the current administration, and one that is set to unveil a new set of reforms and investment commitments.
South Sudan’s march to peace
The major progression in South Sudan, and one on which the entire economy relies, is that of the peace accords. The Sudanese and South Sudanese authorities have time and again demonstrated their commitment to the peace process, which has remained peaceful for the most part. However, will peace deals translate into investment promises and money being invested into the South Sudanese economy this year? Some signals point to that direction, with South Africa’s Central Energy Fund committing $1bn to South Sudan late last year, but markets are still sceptics and observers will remain pragmatics and wait to see how the peaceful transition is managed and how oil production resumes before making any concrete moves.
A year to improve market access for East African producers
With Uganda set to join the club of African petroleum producers by the early 2020s, efforts are on the way to develop adequate infrastructure for the evacuation of oil that will be produced from the Lake Albert Basin. The project seemed to be positively moving forward when Uganda and Tanzania exchanged the inter-governmental agreement for the 1,443km East African Crude Oil Pipeline in May 2017. However, the partners in the pipeline’s construction, French major Total, China’s CNOOC and Tullow Oil, are yet to make a final investment decision on the project. Meanwhile, the Host Government Agreements are to be signed this January, but delays in concluding the pipeline’s financial deal have already pushed back Uganda’s oil production ambitions from 2020 to 2021. The pipeline is crucial for the further integration of the East African community and to set a positive record of joint planning, financing and implementation of landmark energy projects in the region. source: African Energy Chamber[/restrict]
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The port city of Beira has taken the brunt of Cyclone Desmond coming ashore to the north of Mozambique’s second busiest port, with heavy rain falling across the region.
The cyclone began to form at the recent weekend in the south of the Mozambique Channel and drifted northwest, skirting Europa Island as it headed towards the central Mozambique coast.
Due to strong winds in the upper atmosphere the storm never grew too fierce and winds averaged around 35 to 45 knots. The seas were however rough and extremely heavy rain fell.
Cyclone Desmond is reported to have come ashore approximately 40km to the south of Chinde, which is 200km to the north of Beira. The worst of the rain was falling to the west of the storm, resulting in Beira getting the worst of it. About277 millimetres fell in Beira in 24 hours up until 06h00 GMT this morning (Tuesday), more than the average rainfall for Beira in January of 250mm.
It is still raining as this report is prepared (18h00 SAT) and many roads in the area resemble rivers.
Severe flooding of large parts of central Mozambique, which is largely flat, is now expected and a humanitarian crisis is possible.
Northern Madagascar has been lashed by another tropical storm (93S) that hasn’t quite reached cyclone status but has dumped huge amounts of rain across the Indian Ocean Island. Much of the countryside is hilly and mudslides always result in human tragedy with homes swept away or otherwise flooded.
Diego-Suarez in the very north of Madagascar received 137mm of rain in the 24 hours between 10-21 January. Further south in the capital city of Antananarivo landslides have been reported with buildings collapsing and several people listed as dead. The heavy rain in Antananarivo began falling on Saturday (19 January). There are few other available reports from other parts of the island and none current for today (Tuesday).
This storm is expected to track south but islands including the Comoros in the Mozambique Channel will probably have felt the brunt of the storm as it passes, although there are no current reports available. The French-owned Île Juan de Nova which is south of the Comores has reported 97mm of rain in 24 hours.
Further north heavy rains fell across much of the Seychelles with the country’s international airport recording 91mm. source: Floodlist, JTWC, Cyclocane, European Union
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History of the Continuous At Sea Deterrent
The genesis of the UK’s nuclear deterrent stretches back to 1958 and the signing of the UK-US Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA).
The MDA allowed the two countries to exchange nuclear information, technology and materials for the benefit of both.
More importantly, the MDA paved the way for the signing of the Polaris Sales Agreement (PSA) on April 6, 1963. The Agreement saw the US commit to provide the Polaris missile system to her ally, with the UK designing and producing its own warheads and constructing nuclear-powered submarines to host the Polaris system.
The UK secured the independence of its nuclear deterrent by agreeing that…[restrict] “these British forces will be used for the purposes of international defence of the Western Alliance’ except where Her Majesty’s Government decides that ‘supreme national interests’ are at stake.”
Construction of the Resolution-class of ballistic submarines began soon after at Vickers Armstrong in Barrow-in-Furness and Cammell Laird in Birkenhead. All four submarines were eventually delivered on time and below budget.
The first boat, HMS Resolution, was launched in September 1966 and completed her first deterrent patrol in June 1968. By 1969 the UK began Continuous At Sea Deterrence with the four Resolution-class boats successfully completing over 229 patrols between them. Home port of all four vessels was HM Naval Base Clyde on the Gareloch.

The PSA was amended in 1982 to allow the sale of the Trident Missile System to the UK. To accommodate the transition from Polaris to Trident, a major civil construction programme was launched at HM Naval Base Clyde, which, for a period, saw the site become the largest construction site in Europe.
Work on the next generation of nuclear-powered ballistic submarines – the Vanguard-class – also began, with the first of class, HMS Vanguard, launched on 4 March, 1992. Her three sister boats followed and the deterrence mantle was handed-over to a new generation of Royal Navy submariners.
As home of the UK Submarine Service, all four Vanguard-class boats are based at HM Naval Base Clyde and are operated by the Faslane Flotilla.
HM Naval Base Clyde exists to support the deterrence and is in fact two sites – the Faslane base where the submarines and ships are berthed and maintained, and the Royal Naval Armament Depot (RNAD) at Coulport which stores, maintains and processes the nuclear warheads. In total, HM Naval Base Clyde currently employs some 6,800 personnel – a mixture of Service and civilian workers.
All illustrations MoD Crown Copyright 2019 ©[/restrict]
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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First intercontinental vessel berths in North Sea Port
On 21 January, the 34,144-dwt container ship BALAO (IMO: 9603594) arrived at Verbrugge Terminals in Vlissingen, in North Sea Port, carrying a cargo of fruit as part of a logistical service provider’s first permanent intercontinental shipping line and was reported by North Sea Port in Ghent the same day.
This vessel (illustrated) was carrying bananas and pineapples, with other cargo. In this line, goods will be loaded in Cartagena and Santa Marta, Colombia, and in Puerto Limón, Costa Rica. From South America, the ships will then sail to the ports of London, North Sea Port and Rotterdam with vessels of the service arriving weekly, it is understood.
Each week, ships from StreamLines and Hapag-Lloyd will sail from South America to Vlissingen with fruit in reefer containers. In a statement Verbrugge indicated that this is the first intercontinental shipping line to be handled at this port.
The 208-metre long overall vessel shown above, mv Balao, can carry over 500 reefer containers. In Vlissingen, some 100 containers with a total of 2.5 million kilos of fruit and fruit juice were due to be discharged at Verbrugge for Zoomweg Zeeland Coldstore – which has refrigerated and freezer storage facilities for further handling of the fruit. Verbrugge currently employs over 1,000.
As a food port, North Sea Port is investing heavily in transshipment cargoes of which fruit is one example. It is understood that shipping companies have chosen the Verbrugge terminal due to its position near deep water routes and for the length of its quays.
About Verbrugge Terminals
As a logistical service provider, Verbrugge Terminals maintain a strong presence in North Sea Port (Terneuzen and Vlissingen) and Zeebrugge.
Terminals in Vlissingen are located at the economic heart of NW Europe, on the North Sea coast, immediately adjoining the Westerschelde.
Vlissingen is an ideal location for receiving deepsea volumes and transshipments with final destinations across Europe. These terminals have fast rail connections to Eastern and Central Europe. Vlissingen is well suited for inland shipping as its terminals maintain excellent connecting routes with The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Reported by Paul Ridgway
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Revelations arising from the Zondo Commission, in which startling evidence has been provided by a former Chief Operating Officer of the Bosasa Group, Angelo Agrizzi, have resulted in Armscor CEO Kevin Wakeford’s requesting special leave from the state-owned entity.
The development followed weekend media reports that he was allegedly among those mentioned in a list of individuals who are said to have benefitted from the Bosasa Group which is currently being examined by Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.
“Armscor can confirm that the organisation has not done any work and has no known commercial contract with the Bosasa Group, now called African Global Corporations,” the entity said in a statement.
The board of Armscor granted Wakeford special leave, as per…[restrict] his request, until further notice.
“This is in order to allow him time to prepare his evidence for the commission. The board will meet in due course to finalise the interim arrangements,” Armscor said in its statement.
The Agrizzi revelations, which are still underway at Parktown in Gauteng, are leaving a growing list of senior government officials, including cabinet ministers and premiers or former premiers of the provinces as among those tagged for taking bribes and accepting payments amounting to millions of rands in return for their assistance in securing government contracts.
Among the Armscor deals that are currently underway is Project Hotel, the construction of a hydrographic survey vessel at the Southern African Shipyards in Durban. Wakeford recently represented Armscor when attending the launch of this project when the first steel was cut in December 2018 and later took part in a media conference held immediately following the event.
In a further development earlier today (Tuesday 22 January 2019) the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), the country’s largest investment group, on Tuesday announced it has suspended two of its executives.
According to the PIC, the suspensions followed findings of a preliminary investigation report submitted to the board on Monday.
“Following responses that were given to SCOPA in Parliament in December 2018, the Public Investment Corporation board resolved to commence an investigation into the Ayo Technology Solution transaction, with specific focus on the role that employees of the PIC may have played,” the PIC said.
The preliminary report clearly reflects a blatant flouting of governance and approval processes of the PIC.
“Employees of the PIC have also been implicated in these irregularities. It is for this reason that the board has resolved to suspend the Executive Head of Listed Investments, Mr Fidelis Madavo and the Assistant Portfolio Manager: Mr Victor Seanie with immediate effect,” the statement reads.
Ayo Technology Solution is headed by Dr Iqbal Survé, in which last year the PIC invested R4.3 billion at the time of its listing on the JSE, amounting to a small 29% stake for the investment. Dr Survé also chairs the Sekunjalo Group which some years ago was controversially awarded government contracts involving the fishing sector, before withdrawing from that venture. Survé is chairman of the Independent Media Group controlling the Independent Newspaper group.[/restrict]
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Cyclone TC10S, which has now been named Desmond is entering what is likely to be its final stage while approaching and coming ashore in central Mozambique north of the port of Quelimane. Early this morning the centre of the storm was in position 18.8S 36.3E, approximately 287 nautical miles northwest of Europa Island.
In the previous six hours Desmond was tracking west-northwestward at 10 knots. The intensity of the winds was estimated at 35 knots gusting to 43 knots.
Cyclone Desmond made landfall at 18h00 yesterday along the central Mozambique coastline and was expected to continue tracking northward along the periphery of a subtropical ridge over South Africa. As the storm tracks inland it should dissipate, possibly within 24 hours.
A second tropical storm identified as 93S is currently over northern Madagascar and dissipating and what remnants emerge in the Mozambique Channel are expected to be weak with little interaction between this and Tropical Cyclone Desmond.
The significant wave height for TS Desmond was being listed at 13 feet. source and map: JTWC
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“Overall, the cyclical forces that propelled growth may be weakening faster than we thought,” warned Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist at the IMF.
“That is why the fund has cut its forecasts for global growth. The world economy is now expected to grow 3.5% in 2019 and 3.6% in 2020.
“The backdrop is one of rising risks and…[restrict] slowing growth. Policy-makers must resolve trade disagreements cooperatively and quickly,” argued Gopinath.
China’s growth slowdown could be faster than expected, and this can trigger abrupt sell-offs in financial and commodity markets, she warned.
The Brexit cliffhanger weighs on the outlook, she said: “A no-deal Brexit is one of the major risks to our forecast.”
A no-deal Brexit would prompt a decline in long-run GDP of 5-8 percentage points, she warned, while months of uncertainty would also take a toll on the economy. Overall, Brexit poses a greater risk to the UK economy than China’s slowdown.
A summary of the IMF’s findings on the UK is here:
There is substantial uncertainty around the baseline projection of about 1.5 percent growth in the United Kingdom in 2019-20. The unchanged projection relative to the October 2018 WEO reflects the offsetting negative effect of prolonged uncertainty about the Brexit outcome and the positive impact from fiscal stimulus announced in the 2019 budget. This baseline projection assumes that a Brexit deal is reached in 2019 and that the UK transitions gradually to the new regime. However, as of mid-January, the shape that Brexit will ultimately take remains highly uncertain.
More from Davos can be found HERE[/restrict]
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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Events across the UK will celebrate the 50 years of dedication of submariners on the longest operation ever carried out by its armed forces
No mission has been longer – or more important – than the nuclear deterrent patrols performed around the clock by the Royal Navy over the past half century.
Since April 1969 there has always been one submarine from Clyde Naval Base carrying out Operation Relentless.
To mark that commitment – and success – high-profile public events, including…[restrict] services of thanksgiving in London and Edinburgh, a parade through the home of the deterrent force on the Clyde and a new commemorative award for crew are planned.
Political, industry and the Naval Staff are determined 2019 also recognises the expertise, innovation and skill of the thousands of people who have designed, built and supported the deterrence force on more than 350 patrols since the late 1960s.
Today’s generation of Trident-missile-carrying submarines are the size of small aircraft carriers and more complex to build than the Space Shuttle, it has been said.
In the words of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson reported by the (UK) MoD on 17 January: “For half a century our nuclear submarines have patrolled waters around the world, deterring threats and providing the ultimate guarantee of our security.
“Operation Relentless is truly a national endeavour, from the families and friends who have supported our submariners for the past 50 years, to the thousands of British workers who continue to ensure our boats are among the best in the world.
“As we to look to the future, it is important we acknowledge the incredible commitment thousands of men and women have made in the past and continue to make, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Badges of honour
On 17 January First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Philip Jones launched the year of commemoration by presenting new badges of honour to veterans of patrols on a visit to HMS Vengeance – one of the four Vanguard-class submarines needed to provide the continuous at-sea deterrence.
Currently, submariners who complete a single patrol have been awarded a pewter pin and those achieving 20 or more patrols presented with a gold deterrent pin.
The new silver award bridges the gap between the two, being awarded after ten patrols.
On patrol, the crew of over 160 are cut off from the rest of the world except for short messages of 120 words which can be sent by families each week their loved ones are away – with no opportunity for submariners to communicate in return.
“Delivery of our nation’s strategic nuclear deterrent is the first duty of the Royal Navy – and Defence as a whole; the importance of this operation and the incredible feat of engineering and logistics that underpins this enormously complex capability, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, cannot be underestimated,” Admiral Jones said.
He added: “The Continuous At-Sea Deterrence is the longest sustained military operation ever undertaken by the UK and this 50th anniversary year presents a valuable opportunity to recognise and thank those from the Naval Service and their families, the wider Ministry of Defence and our many industrial partners who have contributed to this vital national endeavour.”
He continued by saying: “As we begin our commemoration of this remarkable milestone, it’s fitting that we recognise the extraordinary dedication and professionalism demonstrated by our submariners, through the introduction of a new silver deterrent pin, which signifies completion of at least ten deterrent patrols.
“Their service at sea in our Vanguard class nuclear submarines lies at the heart of this mission’s continued success and I’m pleased to be presenting the first six of these new silver deterrent pins today.”
On 16 January six submariners received the new silver pin from Admiral Jones, including Coxswain Daryn Mathieson. He joined the Submarine Service in 1992 and has completed 18 deterrent patrols – the equivalent of nearly five years submerged. “It means a lot to receive my silver deterrent pin on the 50th anniversary of deterrence patrols. 50 years is a real achievement and I’m proud to have played even a small part,” he said.
‘I’ve served on board Resolution-class and Vanguard-class boats – HMS Resolution was my first submarine after qualifying, although unfortunately I missed her final patrol.
“Both my father and grandfather were in the Royal Navy. Before I even left school I knew that I wanted to be a submarine sonar operator and that is what I aimed for.”
The first submarine to carry the nuclear deterrent was HMS Resolution which left Clyde on her maiden patrol in June 1968.
Continuous patrols began in April 1969 as the remaining R-boats – Repulse, Renown and Revenge – entered service, each armed with Polaris nuclear missiles.
The four conducted 229 deterrence patrols until they were retired in the 1990s as the much larger V-boats – HMSs Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance – replaced them.
As they approach the end of their lives, work has begun on the third generation of deterrent submarines, the Dreadnought class which will also be equipped with Trident missiles. Built by BAE Systems at its state-of-the-art facility in Barrow-in-Furness (NE England), the new boats will enter service in the early 2030s – taking the continuous at sea deterrence up to its 100th anniversary, ensuring the safety and security of generations to come.
Also receiving the new silver pin badges from the First Sea Lord were Coxswain Patrick Sheekey, Leading Chef Al Crawford, Leading Engineer Technician Scott Munro, Warrant Officer Kerrigan and Chief Petty Officer Ormiston.[/restrict]
to be continued…..
All illustrations MoD Crown Copyright 2019 ©
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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Removal of trade barriers, connecting nations and infrastructure development key to the future
The key to African economic emergence lies in removal of barriers, increased connectivity between nations and infrastructure development, DP World’s Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, told African leaders and top executives in Dakar Senegal.
“We believe in the viability of Africa, we believe in investing in the continent during our investment in Senegal we improved efficiency and volumes 135 percent in 10 years,” Bin Sulayem told the audience at the Africa Emergence Conference 2019 in Dakar Senegal.
Addressing a panel on how private institutions can help support…[restrict] emergence in Africa with President Macky Sall of Senegal and Prime Minister Mahatir Mohammed of Malaysia, Mr Bin Sulayem explained how economic emergence is dependent on increasing inter African trade and infrastructure development.
“The Removal of trade barriers is very important. In Africa tariffs are 50% higher in than in Latin America and Asia,” he said. “Intra regional trade in Africa is only 12% while in Europe, Asia and Latin America is over 50%, we need to improve this to prosper,” he added.
Bin Sulayem reiterated the company’s commitment to supporting the economic growth of Senegal and developing Dakar into a major logistics hub and gateway for West Africa.
He stressed that as a smart trade enabler, DP World has the extensive expertise and know-how that can help African countries realise their trade and infrastructure goals, while assisting countries to address national ports and logistics infrastructure challenges.

He highlighted the importance of developing a logistics infrastructure reflecting DP World’s activities in Rwanda and Mali.
“We believe in connecting landlocked nations to the world and international markets. Our logistics park in Rwanda will reduce costs across the country and region,” he said. “The price of containers moving from Shanghai to an East African port is anywhere between US$500 to US$1000, the price of same container from the port to Kigali is US$5000,” he added.
President Macky Sall of Senegal said that DP World was helping in the development of Senegal.
“What the CEO said is the truth. In Senegal we have experienced a change because before I became president DP World was present with a concession of 25 years at the Port of Dakar,” he said.
President Sall added that the government and DP World were working together to finalise new port investments in Senegal from DP World.
“Country stability is essential but also the stability of the contracts between the state and the private sector to develop foreign investment. It is evident that the public investment cannot satisfy the basic needs of the population so we need to work with private sector,” the president said.
DP World has operations in Senegal, Egypt, Mozambique, Somaliland, Rwanda and Algeria and has recently signed an agreement with the Republic of Mali to develop a logistics platform and the Democratic Republic of Congo for the countries first deep-sea port.[/restrict]
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The Sailors’ Society SA is having their annual dedication service in Durban on 27 January 2019, to which all are welcome and those attending are invited to refreshments after the service.

The annual Dedication Service has become a highlight on the calendar of the Society, in which chaplains as well as members of the Society re-dedicate themselves to continue serving seafarers and making their well-being their prime concern.
“We are privileged to have Mrs Sandra Welch, Deputy CEO of the Sailors’ Society’s Head Office in the UK, to lead the service,” reports Yvonne de Kock, Secretary of the Society. “Sandra also heads up the Society’s programme team, and has previously worked with The Salvation Army for more than 18 years,” she advises.
Opening with a flag procession and the singing of the South African National Anthem, the Glenwood Presbyterian Choir will lead the congregation in song. Members of the SA Defence Force Band who always add to the vibrant atmosphere of this service will once again be present and playing many of the well-known hymns.
Date: Sunday 27 January 2018 at 09h30.
Venue: Glenwood Presbyterian Church
339 Esther Roberts Road, Durban
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A message from Santiago Garcia-Milà, President, International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH)
The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) is the world’s leading body representing the interests of port authorities and associated maritime industries.
IAPH has 166 Member Ports plus 137 Associate Members in some 90 countries. The organisation has been serving its members for over 60 years through the sharing of information, and the work of its technical committees. In addition, the Association holds regular regional and world conferences which are highly regarded and well attended. [South Africa (Durban) was host to a world conference in 2003.]
The task
Articles 23 to 31 of the IAPH Constitution stipulate that the management leadership of IAPH consists of a Secretary-General, who is responsible for the internal management of the organisation, including the administration of the secretarial and financial affairs, and a Managing Director-Policy and Strategy, who is responsible for the development and implementation of the strategic plans and policies and for representing IAPH within the industry. The Secretary General and Managing Director-Policy and Strategy both report to the President and Board of Executive Directors and are members of the Council.
As the current Secretary-General is to retire from the organisation in May, the Association seeks a new Secretary-General, who will take office following him. Its role includes the administration of the Secretariat and financial affairs of IAPH, and other important issues to the Association.
The constitution
Here candidates are requested to go through the IAPH Constitution, in particular the Article 26 which defines the role and the responsibilities of the Secretary-General. The IAPH Constitution is available on the IAPH website:
The individual
The Secretary-General’s role has both a significant leadership and operational component. It requires an active and prudent individual who has international experience in the port sector and has profound knowledge about the accounting system, administration and finance of an international membership-based non-profit association.
The successful candidate shall at all times be a resident of the country in which the Head Office is located (Japan) and administer the Secretariat staff. He/she will be expected to travel to conferences and meetings anywhere in the world. An annual salary in excess of US$100,000 and all travel expenses will be discussed with candidates.
Closing date 28 February, 2019.
Readers interested in this role are invited to submit an application and CV by 28 February directly to the President of IAPH at:
with copy to:
The job description
Job title: IAPH Secretary-General
Job Description (Full-time job):
Summary of functions:
Article 26 of the IAPH Constitution stipulates that the Secretary-General shall:
1. Administer the day to day operations of the Secretariat;
2. Act as Secretary at all annual General Meetings, at meetings of the Board and Council, at all annual Regional Meetings and, where practicable, at meetings of Internal and Technical Committees;
3. Act as Corresponding Secretary for all meetings by correspondence of the members of IAPH, of the Board and Council, of Regions and of the Internal and Technical committees
4. Have the official custody and care of the minutes, books, records, documents and correspondence of IAPH, of the Board and of the Council and of the Regions;
5. Have charge of the collection and receipt of membership dues, contributions and fees, and receive, care for and disburse funds of IAPH;
6. Draft the annual budget for approval of Board;
7. Prepare statements of account and approve the payment of bills, within and in accordance with the budget.
8. Perform such other functions as the President may determine or delegate.
To qualify for the selection, the candidate shall:
1. At all times be a resident of the country in which the Head Office is located (Japan);
2. Have profound knowledge about the account system, administration and finance of an international membership-based non-profit association;
3. Have experience in setting up and running customer-relation management (CMS) tools;
4. Have a sufficient academic background (a tertiary qualification is essential and a post-graduate qualification would be highly regarded);
5. Have minimum five years of international experience in the port sector; including experience in a senior management position and/or leadership experience in an international port/trade organisation;
6. Have extensive professional network in the port sector as well as wide range of contacts with influential international shipping and logistics companies.
7. Be familiar with the functioning if relevant organization and regulators related to maritime and port sectors;
8. Have strong communication skills, including reporting at executive level and use of digital communication tools;
9. Have an outstanding command of the English language, written and spoken, and fluency in Japanese language is considered highly desirable;
10.Have leadership in achieving common objectives, including the talent to inspire and motivate people to obtain results in a spirit of cooperation;
11. Have service-oriented profile with the ability to understand and anticipate the requirements and sensitivities of a diverse membership.
Reported by Paul Ridgway
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In a set of four video interviews, the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) explains its role in South Africa’s economy.
In a country that’s practically and literally maritime in its geographic makeup at the southern tip of Africa, surrounded by no less than three oceans (the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Southern Ocean to the south and the Indian Ocean to the east), and with a coastline of some 3,200 kilometres plus 1.5-million square kilometres of exclusive economic zone, the apparent low level of public knowledge, awareness and engagement with the South African marine and maritime economic sector should come across as a surprise.
For this reason, in addition to statutory and necessary activities that it conducts consistent with its mandate, SAMSA has a policy of regularly and consistently sharing as much information as is necessary about its role together with the general maritime economic sector to as wide an audience as can be reached.
It was for partly this reason that earlier in 2018, SAMSA’s Chief Operations Officer, Sobantu Tilayi, sat down with a couple of international journalists from the Oil & Gas Journal to explain what SAMSA’s role is in the country’s maritime economic sector and how this sector is shaped to contribute to the South African economy within context of the ‘New Dawn’ concept now espoused by new leadership in the government.
In an hour long interview, Mr Tilayi covers a whole range of issues involving the role of SAMSA.
The video interview as presented here, courtesy SAMSA and YouTube, is split into four sections each of approximately 15 minutes duration.
Video 1 Mr Sobantu Tilayi, COO, SAMSA [15:48]
Video 2 [14:59]
Video 3 [15:15]
Video 4 [13:46]
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Piracy increased on the world’s seas in 2018, with a marked rise in attacks against ships and crews around West Africa, the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest annual (2018) piracy report reveals.
Worldwide, the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) recorded 201 incidents of maritime piracy and armed robbery in 2018, up from 180 in 2017.
The Gulf of Guinea remains increasingly dangerous for seafarers. Reports of attacks in waters between the Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo more than doubled in 2018, accounting for all six hijackings worldwide, 13 of the 18 ships fired upon, 130 of the 141 hostages taken globally, and 78 of 83 seafarers kidnapped for ransom.
The region saw a significant new spike in violence in the…[restrict] last quarter of 2018. Vessels have been boarded by pirates well outside territorial waters, with crew kidnapped and taken into Nigeria where they are held for ransom.
“There is an urgent need for increased cooperation and sharing of intelligence between the Gulf of Guinea’s littoral states so that effective action can be taken against pirates, both at sea and on-shore where their operations originate and end,” an IMB spokesman said. “There has been some improvement in the estimated number of unreported attacks in 2018 but at around 48% there is still a long way to go.”
Nigeria outlook
In the last three months of 2018, 41 kidnappings were recorded in waters off Nigeria alone. On 27 October 2018, 11 crew were kidnapped from a container vessel 70 nautical miles off Bonny Island, Nigeria. Two days later, Nigerian pirates in a speedboat hijacked a tanker underway 100 nautical miles off Point Noire, Congo. Eight of the 18 crew were kidnapped. These are just two recent examples of how armed criminals are reaching further out to sea and targeting a wider variety of ships: bulk carriers, container vessels and general cargo vessels in addition to local attacks on tankers, oil industry support vessels and fishing vessels.

Somali Threat
Although no ships were hijacked in the region, pirates fired upon a suezmax tanker in the Gulf of Aden, as well as a product tanker and a capesize bulk carrier more than three hundred miles from the Somali coastline. IMB urges masters to continue to maintain high levels of vigilance when transiting these waters and to follow the latest BMP recommendations. This also highlights the requirement for the continued presence of the European Union and international navies around the Horn of Africa.
Indonesia Improves
Patrols by the Indonesia Marine Police have seen the number of incidents drop for the third successive year. The majority of the 36 Indonesian reports were low level opportunistic thefts. Six crew however were taken hostage and threatened, indicating the need to be vigilant.
Attacks off Sabah, eastern Malaysia, continue to be a cause of concern with five crew from two fishing boats reported as kidnapped. Separately four attackers in a speedboat fired on a tug, and the master was shot in the leg.
Ten incidents have been reported from the Philippine islands – down from 22 in 2017. Batangas anchorage accounts for five of these. In one attack, suspected militants fired upon a general cargo ship. The prompt action of the crew and the Philippine Coast Guard ensured the vessel’s safety, although a crewmember was injured by gunfire. The alerts broadcast by the PRC on behalf of the Philippine authorities provide valuable information to Masters and Chief Security Officers (CSO), helping deter militant attacks.
Reliable global anti-piracy support
Since 1991, IMB’s 24-hour manned Piracy Reporting Centre has provided the maritime industry, governments and response agencies with timely and transparent data on piracy and armed robbery incidents – received directly from the Master of the vessel or its owners. The IMB PRC’s prompt forwarding of reports and liaison with response agencies, its broadcasts to shipping via Inmarsat Safety Net Services and email alerts to CSOs, all provided free of charge, has helped the response against piracy and armed robbery and the security of seafarers, globally.
IMB continues to urge shipmasters and owners and other maritime interests to report all actual, attempted and suspected piracy and armed robbery incidents to the IMB PRC. This first step in the response chain is vital to ensuring that adequate resources are allocated by authorities to tackle this crime. As an independent, non-commercial, and apolitical organisation, IMB provides transparent statistics, which acts as a catalyst to achieve this goal. source: IMB[/restrict]
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Late in 2018 the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) took time out to celebrate 20 years of existence.
Since its founding in 1998 the organiation can rightly claim to have reached a number of milestones and achievements in the local maritime sector, while being recognised internationally as a respected maritime safety organisation and member of the International maritime Organization (IMO).
While the celebration of 20 years of existence may have been fairly low key at the time, SAMSA has made a number of video interviews available in which various people and organisations pay tribute to the organisation, which have been placed on the SAMSA blog.
For convenience sake Africa PORTS & SHIPS is likewise including these video clips, which vary from a few minutes to 10 minutes in length, courtesy of SAMSA and YouTube where they are in the public domain.
In the series of videos below, developed especially to mark SAMSA’s 20th anniversary during the course of the past year, Deputy Minister of Transport, Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga, in congratulating the agency, tells of her experiences with SAMSA, as do several others, among them chief executives and other senior managers of private sector companies, foundation education pupils as well as SAMSA’s own employees.
The five videos range in length from about two (2) minutes 30 seconds to about 10 minutes, all with congratulatory messages to the organization. In addition, Mr Tilayi shares a message to stakeholders that mark the milestone of a 20 years toll by SAMSA in promoting South Africa’s maritime interests, among other issues.
Video 1: Mr Sobantu Tilayi [2:37)
VIDEO 2 Deputy Minister of Transport – Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga [2:30)
VIDEO 3 SAMSA Stakeholders Group 1 [10:00]
Video 4: SAMSA Stakeholders Group 2 [5:20)
Video 5: SAMSA Bursary Holders (Simon’s Town Lawhill Maritime Centre) [6.30]
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Poland’s Szczecin is top bulk terminal
Once a year BIMCO publishes a detailed report, which presents collected data in a structured and accessible format. This report contains figures and charts for a simple comparison and ranking of each terminal’s performance, together with comments received from ships.
Details include response to a questionnaire consisting of 36 specific questions divided into the following categories:
• Mooring and berth arrangements
• Terminal services
• Terminal equipment
• Information exchange between the ship and the terminal
• Loading and unloading handling.
The best performer-Szczecin
The best performing port, in BIMCO’s Dry Bulk Terminals Vetting Report for 2018, is Szczecin in Poland. This report collected input from 144 ships covering 381 terminals. A total of 97% of the reports were rated as average or better, which gave an average rating of 3.6 (out of five). The result is a marginal better than last year’s results and was reported by BIMCO on 18 January.
In the words of Aron Sorensen, Head of Maritime Technology and Regulation at BIMCO: “I think, in many ways, the report shows an encouraging trend, that bulk terminals generally perform well – only four reports were rated as poor.”
This reports show that good communication between ship and terminal is a crucial part of port performance and is a factor acknowledged in written responses by ship masters.
Reports contributed to BIMCO rose by 52% to 916 in total, increasing the number of ports covered by 102. Albeit, the reports originate from a small number of companies, which partly explains a somewhat skewed geographical spread of the report.
Sorensen added: “I think this information is valuable to both the shipowners and the ports, but we are still far from satisfied with the number of reports submitted to us for this initiative.” He concluded by saying: “We need terminals and ports to live up to their responsibility and receive waste at a reasonable price.”
Ideally, BIMCO would like to have 1000 ships participating in the survey.
The top five ports were:
- 1. Szczecin, Poland
- 2. Quebec, Canada
- 3. Newcastle, Australia
- 4. Gladstone, Australia
- 5. Ciénaga, Colombia
BIMCO’s report indicated improved communication between the terminals and the ships, but adequate language skills remain a problem in some locations.Furthermore, the survey also looked into waste handling, and the number of ships experiencing a terminal’s refusal to collect garbage or charging exorbitant prices to do so, is still too high, according to the report.
Another point of concern was that the setting of gangways was impossible in 11% of all cases, thereby restricting the access to and from the ship. This is clearly unacceptable and must be addressed as a safety matter, says BIMCO.
Readers may download the full report at the BIMCO website by CLICKING HERE
It is suggested the report can be used as guidance for planning calls at terminals around the world. BIMCO invites more ships to submit reports.
More reports will ultimately help to create a better tool for offices fixing cargoes.
A crucial factor to the future success of the survey is to encourage more companies to participate, as only a few are currently participating.
Of Africa
The only ports in Africa registered in the BIMCO Dry Bulk Vetting Scheme as at 1 December 2018 were Durban, Richards Bay and Saldanha Bay.
BIMCO is the world’s largest international shipping association, with around 2,000 members in more than 120 countries, representing 56% of the world’s tonnage. Global membership includes shipowners, operators, managers, brokers and agents. BIMCO is a non-profit organisation.
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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A Tropical Cyclone,identified only as TC 10S at this stage, has formed in the southern entrance to the Mozambique Channel, approximately 88 nautical miles West-SouthWest of Europa Island and is currently tracking North-NorthEastward at 9 knots.
Satellite imagery shows a large, partially exposed and ragged low-level circulation with a weak, albeit consolidating, central convection sheared to the south of the low-level circulation. The initial intensity is winds of 40 knots and TC 10S will continue to track North-NorthWestward along the periphery of a subtropical ridge to the west anchored over South Africa. The cyclone can be expected to make landfall later in the week over northern Mozambique.
Winds are likely to intensify over the next 12 hours to a peak of 50 knots before gradually weakening. After landfall TC10S will rapidly decay due to land interaction. Maximum wave height at 06h00 on Sunday 20 January was 15 feet. source: Joint Typhoon Warning Centre
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The Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass) and the Government of Assam, a key state in India’s north-east, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to further enhance the state’s inland water transport (IWT) system to improve commuter safety.
This MOU follows the funding agreement between the Government of Assam and the World Bank to modernise and transform inland water transport in the state which has the largest network of navigable inland waterways in India. Plans include the integration of high quality passenger and vehicle ferry services into its wider transport network.
IRClass will be providing technical assistance to the Government of Assam including the preparation of technical specification of vessels, evaluation of shipyards bids, inspections during construction and certification.
This MOU will be administered under the guidance and initiative of the Assam Government’s Commissioner & Secretary (Transport) and IRClass will partner with Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society (AIWTDS) to support its plans.
“IRClass is delighted to be part of this initiative which will raise the safety and technical standards of the state’s inland water transport system,” said Senior Principal Surveyor and Vice President, Commander K Dhawan, IN (Retd.).
“This initiative will help boost the state’s growth with scaling opportunities including the development of IWT terminals, port townships and operation of river taxis. IRClass will soon be opening an office in Guwahati to work closely with the Assam Government in developing its inland water transport.”
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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Now that the UK Parliament rejected the Brexit deal on 15 January, it is unclear what will be the consequences.
North Sea Port* is keeping a close eye on developments in order to anticipate how the situation will evolve and refer businesses to the proper channels.
Whether it comes to a Brexit deal or a hard Brexit, North Sea Port has been…[restrict] consulting with the companies who do business with the United Kingdom for quite some time.
In light of potential issues, preparations are being taken and information exchanged regarding stockpiling, Customs formalities, financial repercussions and the impact on IT. After all, the United Kingdom is the second-largest trading partner of North Sea Port, accounting for some 9% of the total 70.3 million tons of maritime transshipment. This involves goods such as vehicles, containers, construction materials, chemical products, fertilisers and energy and petroleum products.
North Sea Port naturally also cooperates closely with the relevant authorities and governments in the Netherlands and Flanders. The port refers companies to these authorities as well.
For more information readers are invited to take a look here:
Those looking to contact North Sea Port in connection with the Brexit may do so via
An overview of all relevant and legal authorities is provided on the website
* The port comprises the 60 kilometres long cross-border area stretching from Vlissingen in The Netherlands to Ghent in Belgium.[/restrict]
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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Port statistics for the month of December 2018, covering the eight commercial ports under the administration of Transnet National Ports Authority, are now available.
Throughput during December was, as might be expected, considerably below that of November. What is surprising therefore is the increase in the number of ships that called along with the respective gross tonnage. One wonders why so many ships called during December (other than those that called for bunkers). It doesn’t appear to have been the foreign fishing fleet at Cape Town either, The total ship calls went up from 889 vessels for just above 32 million gross tons in November, to 1.071 vessels in December with a gross tonnage of over 40.6 million gt.
Total combined tonnage handled at the ports was…[restrict] 21.266mt, compared with 25.759mt in November. Containers totalled 325,592 TEU compared with 383,507 in November. Details are available in the tables below.
For other months during the year refer to the tables published in earlier editions of Africa PORTS & SHIPS
The Calendar Year results for 2018 will be published here later on Friday (18 January).
For comparison with the port turnover of the equivalent month of last year, December 2017 please CLICK HERE
These statistic reports on Africa PORTS & SHIPS are arrived at using an adjustment on the overall tonnage compared to those kindly provided by TNPA and include containers recorded by weight; an adjustment necessary because TNPA measures containers by the number of TEUs and does not reflect the weight which unfortunately undervalues the ports.
To arrive at such a calculation, Africa PORTS & SHIPS uses an average of 13.5 tonnes per TEU, which probably does involve some under-reporting. Africa PORTS & SHIPS will continue to emphasise this distinction, without which South African ports would be seriously under-reported internationally and locally.
Port Statistics continue below
Figures for the respective ports during December 2018 are:
Cargo handled by tonnes during December 2018, including containers by weight
PORT | December 2018 million tonnes |
Richards Bay | 9.861 |
Durban | 5.743 |
Saldanha Bay | 2.576 |
Cape Town | 1.253 |
Port Elizabeth | 0.865 |
Ngqura | 0.760 |
Mossel Bay | 0.060 |
East London | 0.148 |
Total all ports | 21.266 million tonnes |
CONTAINERS (measured by TEUs) during December 2018
(TEUs include Deepsea, Coastal, Transship and empty containers all subject to being invoiced by NPA
PORT | December 2018 TEUs |
Durban | 202,025 |
Cape Town | 70,642 |
Port Elizabeth | 5,260 |
Ngqura | 44,368 |
East London | 2,531 |
Richards Bay | 0,766 |
Total all ports | 325,592 TEU |
SHIP CALLS for December 2018
PORT | December 2018 vessels | gross tons |
Durban | 370 | 13,874,517 |
Cape Town | 206 | 5,539,434 |
Richards Bay | 253 | 9,204,212 |
Port Elizabeth | 84 | 2,399,519 |
Saldanha Bay | 35 | ,690,809 |
Ngqura | 61 | 3,829,312 |
East London | 29 | 928,796 |
Mossel Bay | 33 | 141,287 |
Total ship calls | 1.071 | 40,607,886 |
— source TNPA, with adjustments regarding container weights by AP&S
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The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) Station 6 (Port Elizabeth) was placed on alert on Wednesday late afternoon (16 January 2019) together with the Eastern Cape Government Health EMC.
This followed reports from a fishing trawler heading towards Port Elizabeth from the fishing grounds with a 31 year old local crewman onboard who had suffered a head injury sustained after being stuck in the face by an anchor after he fell on the deck.
The MRCC in Cape Town had been requested by the ships agent to provide medical support which led to an EMS duty doctor evaluating the patient’s condition. As a result of this it was deemed necessary to have the patient evacuated to hospital as soon as possible.
The NSRI sea rescue craft Spirit of Toft was launched and on arrival on the scene, three nautical miles South of Cape Recife, an NSRI crewman was put aboard the fishing trawler to assess and to begin stabilising the patient. It was decided that a transfer of the patient onto the sea rescue craft was not advisable as it could not be carried out safely in the very rough sea conditions of three to four metre swells and 30 to 40 knot winds.
The NSRI escorted the trawler to the shelter of the harbour basin where the patient was transferred to the sea rescue craft and brought safely ashore after which he was been transported to hospital in a stable condition.
The operation concluded at 20h30. source: Ian Gray, NSRI Port Elizabeth station commander
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In a move aimed at improving the level of service from Europe and the Mediterranean to the West Africa market, CMA CGM says it is to implement some changes in the port rotation of EURAF4 and EURAF 5 services whilst maintaining cost competitiveness.
In what CMA CGM describes as “the significant product improvement for cargo bound to Douala and Libreville effective beginning February 2019,” the following…[restrict] adjustments are being made.

EURAF 4 will be dedicated to Cameroon with transit time improvement up to 3 days.
This becomes effective from the sailing of CAROLINA STAR ETA Valencia 8 February, ETA Algeciras 11 February 2019.
As a result Douala will be reached from Valencia in 22 days, from Antwerp in 32 days, and Le Havre in 29 days.
Libreville is being transferred from EURAF 4 to EURAF 5, with a transit time improvement up to five days.
This becomes effective from the sailing of NILEDUTCH OKAPI, ETD Antwerp on 30 January 2019, ETA Algeciras 8 February 2019.
Libreville will now be reached from Antwerp in 26 days, Le Havre in 25 days, and Lisbon in 20 days.
The EURAF 4 port rotation is: Valencia – Algeciras – Tangier – Lome – Cotonou – Bata 1/2 – Malabo 1/2 – Kribi – Douala – Valencia

With the above changes the port rotation for EURAF 5 now becomes:
Antwerp – Le Havre – Lisbon – Algeciras – Pointe Noire – Luanda – Libreville – Kribi – Algeciras – Antwerp[/restrict]
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French shipping line CMA CGM has announced adjustments to several services to South Africa and other East African services during the coming Lunar New Year 2019 festivities.
The line will be adjusting its Shaka 2 service schedule to…[restrict] South Africa on a temporary basis involving week 7, which involves the blanking of its call at Shanghai on 13 February 2019.
The Shaka 2 service will resume normally with effect week 8 with the vessel MAERSK SIRAC on voyage (CMA CGM) 0SS2RWIMA ETD Shanghai on 20 February.
Similarly CMA CGM is making an adjustment to its three East African services ASEA Tanzania, ASEA Kenya, and MOZEX for the same reasons of the Lunar New Year festivities in the Far East (China).
ASEA Tanzania: The Singapore call on 24 February on 24 February 2019 is to be blanked, resuming with the vessel HEDDA SHULTE voyage 04G2RW1MA ETD Singapore 3 March 2019.
ASEA Kenya: The call at Shanghai on 7 February is being blanked and that of 14 February sliding to 21 February 2019 when normal services will be resumed with the vessel EVER DAINTY voyage 04I2XW1MA ETD Shanghai 21 February 2019.
MOZEX: The Mozambique service will be affected by blanking the call at Singapore on 24 February, resuming with the vessel EM OINOUSSES on voyage 04J2VW1MA ETD Singapore 3 March 2019.[/restrict]
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Amid concerns of a shortage of marine resource development engineers with the expertise and practical techniques needed by the marine resource development market, The Nippon Foundation Ocean Innovation Consortium is a programme established to train marine resource development engineers across Japan.
Training for marine resource development
With significant growth anticipated in the global markets for offshore oil and natural gas development and renewable energy generation, related companies in Japan are accelerating their efforts to enter and expand their presence in these markets. In addition, abundant natural resources such as methane hydrate and seabed minerals are present in Japan’s oceans, holding possibilities for the future.
At the same time, there are concerns…[restrict] regarding a shortage of marine resource development engineers who have the practical skills and expertise to drive this growth. Given the need to train engineers for gaining additional market share in the future, at a special event held on the 20th Marine Day (Umi-no-Hi) holiday in July 2015, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced a goal of increasing the number of Japan’s marine resource development engineers to 10,000 by 2030.
Recognising the need for a nationwide approach to the training of these marine resource development engineers, The Nippon Foundation Ocean Innovation Consortium was established with cooperation from the Japanese government, as a platform bringing together Japanese universities, public institutions, and companies seeking to enter or increase their presence in the marine resource development market.
Understanding corporate needs
According to a statement issued on 17 January the Consortium will work to understand corporate needs relative to the training of these engineers and match those with university education, while also building a training structure that will operate in Japan and overseas with assistance from companies and public research institutions to implement training that would be difficult for individual universities or companies to carry out on their own.
The Nippon Foundation Ocean Innovation Consortium website external site is to be found by: CLICKING HERE[/restrict]
Edited by Paul Ridgway
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Importers and exporters from landlocked Chad will have access to a 10 hectare area in the port of Douala to serve as a logistics base for goods in transit in Cameroon.
Cameroonian authorities have provided the area to encourage the continued use of Cameroon’s main port by Chadian stakeholders.
The offer comes also not long after the opening of the port of Kribi also in…[restrict] Cameroon which is competing equally for the neighbouring country’s business.
It is however, primarily in response to complaints from Chadian and Central African Republic businesses of problems and delays experienced at the port of Douala, which has resulted in several Chadian and CAF operators diverting their traffic through the ports of Benin and Sudan.
It is believed that the majority of Chad and CAF’s imports and exports still continues to go through Douala thanks in part to the Douala-Ndjamena Corridor facility, though this has been coming under strain.
The Autonomous Port of Douala recently announced that the Bolloré/APM Terminals consortium operating the Douala Container Terminal is not among those companies short-listed for the renewal of concession that will come into effect as from 1 January next year. It is thought that Bolloré’s involvement in the Kribi container terminal played a factor in its exclusion.
Bolloré has extensive operations and a strong footprint throughout Cameroon’s neighbouring countries.[/restrict]
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Some relief for the stakeholders of the port of Lagos (Apapa) this week as a two-kilometre stretch of Apapa Wharf Road was declared refurbished and ready for re-opening.
The road came into service the following day on Tuesday.
Congestion outside the Lagos ports has become chronic in recent years with no solution in sight, despite a directive issued by the Lagos Governor.
Eventually, the Federal President issued his own directive in an…[restrict] effort to open the traffic way to vehicles, mainly trucks attempting to enter or leave the ports of Tin Can Island and Apapa.
The problem outside both the ports has been developing for a number of years until the situation was reached when the roads became broken down and dilapidated but in any case blocked by parked vehicles waiting to enter the port or the tank farm area.
Ultimately it took a Public Private Initiative by the cement conglomerate AG Dangote, supervised by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing and utilising funds raised by the Dangote Group, the Nigeria Flour Mill and the Nigerian Ports Authority, to get the project of rehabilitating the short section of Wharf Road.
The re-opening of this section will bring some relief to truckers who until not often faced a delay of up to one week to access the port.
Re-opening a short section of road is not the long-term answer to the congestion outside the ports, according to many stakeholders, who believe the only option is for the port and Lagos authorities to free up land nearby that can be used as truck layby areas from where they can be called in an orderly fashion into port.[/restrict]
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Thousands of Mombasa commuters have faced long delays following the withdrawal from service last week of the port’s largest ferry, MV JAMBO.
The ferry normally operates the busy Likoni Channel crossing along with two other ferries, MC HARAMBEE and MV KWALE. The three convey over…[restrict] 300,000 commuters per day across the channel.
According to Kenya Ferry Service (KFS) managing director Bakari Gowa, MV Jambo’s clutch developed a problem during one of her crossings last week and had to be withdrawn for repairs. He said the clutch had overheated, necessitating taking the vessel out of service until it could be repaired.
Technicians were working “round the clock” to have it fixed and returned to service, he said.
He didn’t say when that would be.
Jambo is the largest of the Mombasa ferries and has accommodation for up to 1,600 passengers in addition to 64 motor cars. Being the most modern of the ferries Jambo differs also by having washrooms and facilities for its passengers.
The vessel also provides a large shaded sitting area for passengers and employs CCTV coverage for safety purposes. source: The Nation[/restrict]
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Tanzania’s new 1,200-passenger Lake Victoria ferry is to be designed by Sener, the Spanish engineering and technology group, it is being reported.
The new 90-metre ferry, which will be operated by Tanzania’s state-owned shipping line, Marine Services Company, will be built in South Korea by GAS Entec, following which it will be dismantled and shipped to Tanzania for overland…[restrict] transportation to the port of Mwanza in the south of Lake Victoria.
Once in commission the vessel will become the largest ship operating on Africa’s largest lake.
The vessel will have a capacity of 400 tonnes of cargo plus 20 motor cars, accommodated at the stern of the ship. Two ramps will facilitate the loading/discharging of motor vehicles and for palletised cargo.
The cost of the ship is expected to be US$38.5 million.
According to Marine Services Company it is hoped that the ship will be available for service by the time the new standard gauge railway from Dar es Salaam reaches Mwanza.
The Tanzanian shipping line has also issued contracts for the rehabilitation of two existing Lake Victoria ferries, MV Victoria and MV Butiama ($12 million) and construction of a 100-metre slipway ($15.6m). The Korean STS Engine Co and Saekyung Construction Company will have responsibility for building the slipway. KTMI and Yuko Enterprises (EA) will handle the rehabilitation of the two older ferries, where the major work involves replacing the main engines. source: East African[/restrict]
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Tsavliris Salvage celebrated its induction into the Green Award Foundation during a reception at the Yacht Club of Greece on 10 January 2019.
The Senior Management of the Green Award Foundation warmly welcomed Tsavliris Salvage, which offers a series of financial incentives to Green Award member companies, into the scheme.
The prestigious Green Award Foundation certifies shipping companies and ships that demonstrate excellent performance. All certified companies have to meet strict requirements covering safety, quality and environmental conscience.
The Tsavliris Group has been active for more than 75 years as a maritime-focused enterprise that has acquired unrivalled experience and know-how, including 55 years of performance in the international marine salvage business. Tsavliris is one of the world’s most active emergency response contractors for assisting marine casualties, with a record of more than 3,000 salvage cases.
Dimitrios Mattheou, Chairman of the Green Award Foundation, formally handed over the Green Award plaque to the Principals of Tsavliris Salvage, Nicolas, George and Andreas Tsavliris.
“I am delighted for my presence here today to signify this considerable milestone in the history of the Tsavliris Salvage Group,” Mr Mattheou said. “‘Green Awarders’ are spread all around the globe, from Canada to Japan and from South Africa to Norway. The Tsavliris Salvage Group joins this league of Green Award stakeholders.”
He described Tsavliris Salvage as a world-class professional marine salvor, dedicated to saving life and property at sea and to protecting the marine environment from accident-related pollution.
“We are very pleased to have such a value oriented company in the Green Award scheme and we are confident for its willingness to clearly demonstrate a commitment to achieving the Green Award Foundation’s objectives, mission and vision with a unique orientation on environmental excellence and safety in shipping.”
Nicolas Tsavliris said in response that Tsavliris fully encourages and supports initiatives like that of the Green Award that promote shipping sustainability and a clean environment in which their clients’ vessels can safely and efficiently operate.
“By being inducted into the Green Award Scheme, Tsavliris Salvage takes the voluntary initiative to offer a 10% reduction on standard tariff rates on our own equipment and personnel charges during salvage operations to Green Award certified vessels worldwide,” he said.
“In this way, Tsavliris Salvage supports the further ‘greening’ of the maritime industry and will allow other Green Award certificate holders to benefit from their investments in further improvement. The more companies that support quality ships through the Green Award, the more the maritime industry becomes socially responsible and sustainable.”
He concluded by saying that “Tsavliris Salvage is very proud that we serve the Greek and international shipping community, as we always have with great passion and we are committed to continue doing so in an even more environmentally responsible manner.”
Jan Fransen, Executive Director of the Green Award Foundation, congratulated Tsavliris Salvage for their decision to participate in the Green Award Network and described the significant benefits of the Green Award for all certificate holders and for the environment.
He referred to the interesting history and symbols of the Foundation and recalled that “It was 25 years ago, when Green Award launched its inspiring mission, devoted into promoting and supporting safety, quality, environmental awareness and protection in the maritime sector. Throughout these years, Green Award has evolved into a world-wide recognised symbol. This has been achieved by bringing together all participants in the shipping industry and at the same time fostering and rewarding their efforts to conquer the delivery of high quality services and products and to create a prominent social responsibility.”

About the Tsavliris Salvage Group
Tsavliris is one of the most active emergency response contractors for maritime casualties worldwide and the most frequent user of the LOF contract, having handled over 3,000 casualties. The Group’s international activities embrace every service relating to marine salvage & towage, extending to complex wreck removals and partnering today’s shipowners in fulfilling their obligation to protect the marine environment from pollution. Tsavliris is committed to maintaining a modern global network for providing rapid assistance to shipping.
About the Green Award Foundation
Green Award certifies sea-going oil and chemical tankers, bulk carriers, LNG and LPG carriers, container carriers, inland navigation barges and inland passenger ships. Its assessment criteria cover environmental, quality and safety aspects, and performance of management and the crew. With this comprehensive approach and a diverse team of the industry’s experts supporting the scheme, Green Award secures the quality of its audits and real value of its certificate.
With over 120 ports and other maritime related organisations providing discounts to the certified companies and ships, the scheme motivates ship owners and managers to invest in the improvements on board and ashore and serves as a reliable Corporate Social Responsibility and risk reduction tool for participating shipping companies, ports and maritime service providers.
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