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Da Xiang sailing from Durban in July 2018. Picture: Trevor Jones featured in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Da Xiang. Picture: Trevor Jones

Excellent lighting for just a few moments made for this spectacular photograph showing the Chinese general cargo (heavy lift) vessel DA XIANG (IMO 9768552) as she sailed from Durban harbour on Sunday (8 July). The 28,577-dwt ship has a length of 179 metres and a beam of 28m

179 metres long by 28m wide and is owned and operated by Cosco Shipping Specialized of Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. The picture was taken by Trevor Jones


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RETUSA logo, as featured in news report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Industrial action brought by the Revolutionary Transport Union of South Africa (RETUSA) blocked access roads to the Durban container terminals, bring disruption to the busy container terminals as well as to the nearby Island View oil and chemical products complex.

Further action was planned for today but an urgent interdiction by a Johannesburg court declared the strike unlawful and unprotected.

Meanwhile a backlog in port operations resulted from trucks being unable to access the terminals on Piers 1 and 2.

Yesterday angry workers and unemployed members of the union targeted the main access routes to the country’s busiest container terminals, burning tyres on Bayhead Road and throwing rocks at trucks and motor cars at nearby intersections.

The action brought chaos to Bayhead and South Coast Roads, affecting traffic to and from the southern part of Durban port, the Bluff and parts of Clairwood.

Retusa said the protest is set to continue today, but whether this will be carried out in defiance of the court interdiction remains to be seen. The strikers consisted of both workers and unemployed and while the workers will probably return to their duties at the port, those who are unemployed will see this simply as adding to their grievances.

The area that was to be focused on today is at Ambrose Park where a picket was to be staged but the union said earlier that no movement beyond this point would take place. If this is adhered to then trucks should be able access the container terminals and the Island View petrochemical complex and some of the backlog cleared.

Tomorrow (Friday) Retusa intended taking their protest to the corner of Eel Road and South Coast Road from where they were to march to Transnet Engineering which faces on to Solomon Mahlangu Drive (Edwin Swales VC Drive). The latter is the main access to the Bluff and parts of Clairwood. The Bluff suburb has more than 30,000 residents who would then have to find alternative routes if the protest does take place.

Transnet Port Terminals which operates the container terminals said earlier this week that it has set up 24-hour command centres in the affected terminals to monitor the situation closely and ensure business continuity. However, a truck operator who didn’t wish to be named said that Transnet claims of having quickly dealt with the strike action yesterday were nonsense. He said that arriving trucks were forced to find places to park off or alongside the roads and that lengthy delays had resulted. Many local drivers didn’t leave their yards all day, he said.

Complaints were also made about short notice having been given for the strike. Africa PORTS & SHIPS was however reporting this a week ago – see that report by CLICKING HERE   source: Ports Media

Lagos, Nigeria port strike

In Lagos truck drivers and assistants have embarked on a protest action that is bringing disruption to traffic into and out of the Lagos port.

On Monday the protestors marched along Creek Road to Liverpool and then to Point Road where they prevented trucks from leaving Apapa port.

The protest action called by truck drivers and operators is a result of stalled negotiations concerning a dispute about demurrage on cargo.    source: GAC Africa


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Slipway rehabilitation at Port Elizabeth, as reported in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

The new vessel repair facilities in the Port of Port Elizabeth were developed to help create a thriving vessel maintenance and marine engineering hub, but also to boost the local economy in the long term.

With the final part of this R200 million project completed about a year ago, it is now showing a return on investment. “We have serviced more than 140 local and foreign fishing vessels since the completion of the facilities in April 2016. This is in line with our expectations of the growing need among the fishing fraternity. The boat hoist is capable of lifting vessels of up to 90 tons from the docking bay,” said Project Manager, Pieter-Ben van Rhijn.

Waterfront attraction

Located in the precinct that is envisioned as part of the waterfront development, having a activity will…[restrict] create the ideal attraction in a waterfront marina. Transnet says it is in line with the company’s Smart People Port’s concept of integrating port operations and leisure and recreation.

A crane in action on the slipway under reconstruction at Port Elizabeth, as reported in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
A crane in action on the lead-in jetties

Unlocking economic potential

The replacement of the 130 year old 1,200 ton lead-in jetties and the upgrade of the 40 ton slipway started in November 2014 as part of Operations Phakisa. This initiative focuses on unlocking the economic potential of SA’s oceans by stimulating economic growth and creating jobs. Altogether 82 direct job opportunities were created as a result of the project and indirect job opportunities to the equivalent of 19,183 man days.

The 90 ton boat hoist in action at Port Elizabeth, from a report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
The 90 ton boat hoist in action

The project

The project entailed the following:

Docking bay – The upgrade of the boat docking bay from where the boat hoist lifts vessels out of the water and position them on a dry platform for maintenance work. To create this facility the following work was executed:
* Installation of new piles to support the platform deck and docking bay.
* Construction of a new retaining wall and backfilling behind the retaining wall to reclaim the old 40 ton slipway.
* Construction of a new concrete slab where vessels are placed for repair.
* Installation of bollards and fenders on the mooring side of the slipway.
* Installation of high mast lights and electrical reticulation.
* Installation of new fire water piping.
* Procuring a first of its kind 90 ton boat hoist in Transnet.

Lead-in jetties – These were demolished and rebuilt as the existing structure has been condemned due to excessive corrosion. To construct the new jetties the following work was executed:
* Demolishing of the existing South and North lead-in jetty structures.
* Installation of new piles, a concrete deck and a down haul winch house.
* Installation of bollards and fenders on the mooring side of the slipway.
* Installation of high mast lights and electrical reticulation.
* Installation of new fire water piping.

Slipway – The project to bring the slipway cradle back to 1,200 tons is currently underway.

The boat hoist brings a vessel ashore at Port Elizabeth, from a report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
The boat hoist brings a vessel ashore

Other benefits

The jetties, which extend the life of the slipway, were constructed at a lower level to create much needed additional berthing space and at the same time provide opportunities to perform wet repairs. The boat maintenance slab was increased in size and can now accommodate a minimum of ten vessels at a time (depending on size), as opposed to two vessels currently accommodated on the slipway. Efficiency and productivity has also improved drastically with less risk of damage.[/restrict]


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The Tanga lighterage port, featuring in a report carried by Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
The Tanga lighterage port

The business of expanding the port of Tanga in the north of Tanzania has commenced, according to a report in the Tanzania Daily News.

Tanga port manager Percival Salama said that a contract for a survey of the port had already been signed and that Tanzanian-based Bico Engineering was undertaking a geological survey ahead of the actual expansion of the historic port to enable bigger shipping vessel to call.

Tanga is to be the terminus for a 1400-km oil pipeline to…[restrict] extend from the Lake Albert region of Uganda to the coast.

The Tanzania government has also instructed Tanzania Ports Authority to revitalise port operations at Tanga. The port is connected with the interior by a railway and lies close to the Kenya border, serving the northern Tanzanian regions of Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Manyara as well as Mara, Singida, Dodoma and Shinyanga.

Street scene in German colonial era Tanga circa 1910. Picture: Wikipedia Commons, featured in report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Street scene in German colonial era Tanga circa 1910. Picture: Wikipedia Commons

Salama told the newspaper that once the survey was completed either later this month or early in August the way would be clear for phase two to commence. This includes deepening the harbour alongside the wharves from the current maximum of -5 metres to a depth alongside of 11 metres. He didn’t say whether contracts for this has been issued but did say that by 2020 the port should be able to receive larger ships.

There is evidence that Tanga was in use for trading involving slaves and ivory by Omani Arabs before the arrival of the Portuguese in the late 15th Century. In the early 1500s the Portuguse established their own trading posts at various points along the coast of what would become Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya, in competition with the Arabs.

In 1889 the German colonial power established a military and administrative post at Tanga ahead of the development of Dar es Salaam further south. By 1896 work had commenced on the Usambara Railway leading inland from the coast and enabling the production and export of sisal and later other commodities.[/restrict]


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Africa's AGOA states, featured in article in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Africa’s AGOA states

South Africa’s Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies is in Washington DC in the US where the 17th Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum kicked off yesterday.

The forum said the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) will focus on the implementation of AGOA, as well as, strategies for deepening the US-Sub-Saharan Africa trade and investment relationship.

The AGOA Forum is an annual forum taking place on an alternating basis between Sub-Saharan Africa and the United States.

The theme for this year’s two-day Forum is…[restrict] ‘Forging New Strategies for US-Africa Trade and Investment’.

AGOA is a unilateral US trade preference programme that provides duty-free quota-free treatment for over 6,400 tariff lines from 40 AGOA-eligible sub-Sahara African countries, including South Africa into the United States market.

South Africa is the largest non-oil AGOA-beneficiary country exporting products such as automobiles and auto parts, agricultural products, chemicals, steel and aluminium products, among others.

Davies says the Forum provides an important platform to discuss how to preserve the AGOA preferences, as well as, how the programme can support regional integration efforts on the continent, especially the regional value chains in light of the recent signature of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement.

The Minister said AGOA has resulted in a relatively balanced, growing, diversified and mutually beneficial trade relationship between South Africa and the United States.

Following an Industry Ministers meeting held in Magaliesburg last week, Davies said AGOA is not a negotiated agreement.

“It’s a series of concessions offered to countries, an act of [US] Congress. There will be a lot of discussions. AGOA underpins a relatively balanced trading agreement between us [and the US] and we are saying if it isn’t broke it needs no fixing so that’s our message.”

In March 2016 the government announced that it had concluded negotiations on poultry, beef and pork with the United States, a move that brought to a close months of discussions with the US on the terms required for South Africa to secure its position in AGOA.

In November 2015, then US President Barack Obama announced that the duty-free entry into the US of South Africa’s agricultural exports under AGOA would end if South Africa’s health restrictions on the import of US poultry, beef and pork were not lifted by 4 January. However, the deadline was extended to 15 March 2016.

AGOA was reauthorised in June 2015 for 10 years until 2025, with South Africa’s inclusion.

The meeting will conclude on Thursday. source:[/restrict]


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Beira Container Terminal, featured in news report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Beira Container Terminal

The concession held by Dutch port operator Cornelder has been extended by a further 15 years in addition to a US$290 million investment plan.

This was announced last week following a cabinet meeting of the Mozambique government.

A statement issued at a press conference following the cabinet meeting said that the concession extension would begin in…[restrict] 2023 once the current 19-year concession ends.

The early extension was to enable the Dutch company to undertake essential additional investment aimed at increasing capacity at the port.

Cornelder’s investment plan foresees upgrading 300 kilometres of national highway 6 and 317 kilometres of the Beira-Machipanda railway line.

These works would increase throughput at the port from the current 300,000 containers annually to 700,000 and from 750,000 tonnes to 1.2 million tonnes of general cargo.

Cornelder is a joint venture between Dutch company Cornelder and the state-owned railway company Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM). source: Lusa[/restrict]


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Rovuma LNG is operated by Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A., an incorporated joint venture owned by ExxonMobil, Eni and CNPC, which holds a 70 percent interest in the Area 4 concession alongside its partners Galp, KOGAS and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos E.P. (ENH), each of which hold a 10 percent interest. Featured in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Rovuma LNG is operated by Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A., an incorporated joint venture owned by ExxonMobil, Eni and CNPC, which holds a 70 percent interest in the Area 4 concession alongside its partners Galp, KOGAS and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos E.P. (ENH), each of which hold a 10 percent interest.

Mozambique Rovuma Venture has submitted their development plan to the government for the first phase of the Rovuma LNG project, which will produce, liquefy and market natural gas from the Mamba fields located in the Area 4 block offshore Mozambique.

The plan details the proposed design and construction of two liquefied natural gas trains which will each produce 7.6 million tons of LNG per year.

ExxonMobil will lead construction and operation of natural gas liquefaction and related facilities on behalf of the joint venture, and Eni will lead construction and operation of upstream facilities. As the Rovuma LNG project progresses, every effort will be made to actively build the local workforce and supplier capabilities in Mozambique.

“We are excited to be progressing the Rovuma LNG project, working with the government and leveraging the expertise and capabilities of all of the partners,” said Liam Mallon, president of ExxonMobil Development Company.

“The Rovuma LNG Project is moving forward swiftly,” said Stefano Maione, Eni’s executive vice-president for the Mozambique Program. “The size of the project makes it not only an important investment in the country, but also supports economic growth and opens new opportunities for Mozambicans.”

FID in 2019, start-up in 2024

A final investment decision by the Area 4 joint venture parties is scheduled in 2019, with LNG production expected to commence in 2024. Marketing activities are progressing, with negotiations on sales and purchase agreements underway, targeting completion in parallel with the development plan approval process.

Rovuma LNG is operated by Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A., an incorporated joint venture owned by ExxonMobil, Eni and CNPC, which holds a 70 percent interest in the Area 4 concession alongside its partners Galp, KOGAS and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos E.P. (ENH), each of which hold a 10 percent interest.


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Map of the troubled area in northern Mozambique, featured in news report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Map of the troubled area in northern Mozambique

At least three more attacks by terrorists in northern Mozambique have been reported this past week.

It is believed that these are the acts of Islamic extremist terrorists trying to unsettle the region in northern Mozambique where oil and gas exploration and development is taking place.

In the latest reports, the assailants who are thought to be members of the Islamic fundamentalist group known as ‘Al-Sunna’ or ‘Al-Shabaab’, murdered and beheaded four people on Sunday in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado.

This was reported in Tuesday’s edition of the independent newssheet ‘Mediafax‘.

The report said that the attack took place in the village of Mbau, in Mocímboa da Praia district, which is south of Palma. Three of the four victims, a peasant farmer and two fishermen, were surprised by the raiders on the banks of the Messalo river. The farmer was planting maize when the terrorists struck, and the two fishermen were preparing hooks for their lines.

A report in the independent daily ‘O Pais‘ speaks of four people dead and an unspecified number of houses burnt down on Saturday at Macanga village, in Palma district. So far there are no further details on these attacks.

Burned house in a village after visit by terrorists in northern Mozambique, featured in news report in Africa PORTS & SIPS maritime news
Burned house in a village after visit by terrorists

Also on Saturday, a vehicle carrying agricultural produce came under fire in the Quiterajo area, in Macomia district. The driver was injured and the three other occupants of the vehicle fled.

In yet another report this time from the news agency ‘Lusa‘, two people were killed and two defence and security force officers wounded when a terrorist group attacked the village of Quissungule in the Palma district, some 12 kilometres from the Mozambique border with Tanzania.

A quantity of weapons was stolen in the attack which according to a witness was undertaken by a force of about 20 men carrying firearms. Before they left the village some houses were set alight.

At least 40 civilians have now been killed in the attacks by these terrorist groups as well as several members of the security forces stationed in the area.

Although there is an assumption that these attacks are the work of the fundamentalist Islamic groups, no positive identification has taken place and no claims have been made by or after the attacks, which have mostly targeted ordinary villagers going about their business of subsistence farming or fishing. Weapons used have included automatic rifles and sidearms, as well as pangas (machetes) and knives.

The result of the attacks has been displaced persons too scared to remain in their unprotected homes at night, who seek shelter in the bush or at the nearest district headquarters, Palma, Mocímboa da Praia, Macomia, Ilha do Ibo and Quissanga. Sources: Lusa, Mediafax, AIM,O Pais, Ports Media.


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Garcia Milà with Ni Chenggang, the Vice General Manager of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group, featuring in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Garcia Milà with Ni Chenggang, the Vice General Manager of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group

The International Ports & Harbours Association (IAPH) has announced that the Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group, which manages the port complex of Ningbo and Zhoushan in China, has joined the Association.

This had been confirmed following the Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation Forum, which took place in Ningbo mid-June.

IAPH President Santiago Garcia Milà gave a keynote address at the Forum and met on this occasion with Ni Chenggang, the Vice General Manager of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group to conclude the membership arrangement.

“We are delighted to welcome Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group as a member of our organisation”, said the IAPH President.

“With the ever-growing impact of the Chinese Belt and Road strategy, we look forward to working together to boost trade and stimulate economic growth across Asia and beyond.”

Ningbo and Zhoushan represent the largest port complex in the world. In…[restrict] 2017, the port group handled a total cargo throughput of one billion tons. The port complex is part of the Maritime Silk Road and has the largest deep-water facilities in China.

The port’s maritime connections increased substantially after China’s Belt and Road initiative. In addition, the port launched sea-rail transport services with trains providing services to more than thirty cities in China as well as countries in central and northern Asia and eastern Europe.

The container handling volume of its sea-rail transport is expected to surpass 400,000 TEU this year, a 60 percent increase compared to 2017.

Ningbo-Zhoushan handled over 10 million TEU from countries along the Belt and Road in 2017, up 16 percent compared to 2016.

“With the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port Group joining IAPH we are considerably strengthening our membership base in China,” concluded Mr Garcia Milà. “This ties in very well with next year’s IAPH World Ports Conference, which we are organising in Guangzhou, at the historical origins of the Silk Road.”[/restrict]

edited by Paul Ridgway


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CEVA Logistics A.G. (CEVA), one of the leading asset-light third-party logistics providers, announced yesterday that CMA CGM S.A. has obtained all regulatory approvals required in connection with its investment in CEVA and will become a regular 24.99% shareholder in CEVA.

CMA CGM banner, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

CMA CGM, the third largest container shipping group in the world, made a strategic investment in convertible securities issued by CEVA in a concurrent private placement at the time of CEVA’s initial public offering on the SIX Swiss Exchange (the ‘IPO’).

CMA CGM has now obtained all required regulatory approvals and the securities will be converted into registered ordinary shares in the coming days. Following conversion, CMA CGM will hold 24.99% of CEVA’s share capital. CMA CGM has entered into a lock-up agreement for one year following the IPO and has agreed not to increase its shareholding in CEVA for six months post-IPO.

CEVA flag, featured in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

CEVA and CMA CGM will work together to expand their commercial cooperation and to develop complementary services, which address the increasing customer need for integrated end-to-end solutions. Both companies explore arms-length cooperation and believe that the partnership could create significant value to customers and would be mutually beneficial to both companies.

“It is good news that regulatory approvals have been obtained so quickly and we can now fully engage. We are excited about the partnership with CMA CGM,” said CEVA’s CEO, Xavier Urbain in a press statement.


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Africa Oil Week 2018 announces comprehensive conference programme for its 25th Anniversary

Africa Oil Week (AOW) has announced its programme for the 25th Africa Oil Week conference, 5-9 November in Cape Town, South Africa.

The event is spread across five days and promises to present a content and networking-rich summit programme featuring over 150 speakers from across the international oil and gas sector including industry leaders, 11 African Energy & Petroleum Ministers, Heads of NOCs, banks and PE Funds and CEOs from all major oil companies and independent operators.

Africa Oil Week banner, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Addressing the latest developments and trends in Africa’s oil and gas sector, Africa Oil Week will explore and facilitate new opportunities, partnerships and deal-making through a high-profile summit, a dynamic exhibition and a roster of unrivalled networking events. The summit programme will draw together over a thousand key players and leading decision makers to discuss drilling programmes, farm-ins, data viewings and new financing models which can be adapted to new upstream and energy ventures.

As many regions of Africa continue to dominate interest across the industry, Africa Oil Week will host exclusive insights and debates from stakeholders in the most exciting territories on the continent. Delegates will hear the latest industry announcements first-hand, and attend presentations and showcases of proprietary information on transformational projects, bidding rounds and farm-ins. Africa Oil Week will also host the most exclusive networking functions which will provide unique opportunities to meet with global decision makers looking to develop and diversify their upstream portfolios.

Africa Oil Week also has significant support from the industry, including lead sponsor Tullow Oil. Paul McDade, CEO, Tullow Oil, stated, “Africa Oil Week is the most important event of our year. We’re committed to the future of African oil and gas, and we’re excited to come together in 2018 with a great list of leading companies, exhibitors and speakers focused on helping deliver Africa’s full potential.”

The 25th Africa Oil Week Inaugural Ministerial & VIP Programme will be opened by Hon Minister Jeff Radebe, Minister of Energy, whilst the Welcome Reception will be opened by Her Excellency Helen Zille, Premier of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. The summit will host two Ministerial Panels where Minister Jeff Radebe will be joined by Ministers from Ghana, Niger, Uganda, Gambia, Nigeria, Mali, Republic of Congo and Guinea as they take to the stage to provide their insights on attracting international operators and investment, and outline their national oil and gas strategies.

Additionally, there will also be spotlight sessions addressing key developments in Africa focusing on topics such as: governance and regulation, production outlooks, the energy transition mix, M&A in African oil and gas, capacity development and gender diversification, gas to power and gas monetisation.

Running parallel to the Summit’s plenary sessions is the Africa Oil Week Prospect Forum. Co-produced and held in partnership with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and supported by PVE Consulting, the Prospect Forum provides a unique and dedicated platform for Independent Oil Companies, Geo Service Companies and National Oil Companies to showcase the most compelling farm-in opportunities, basin insights and roadshows.

Details available at


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QM2 in Cape Town. Picture by Ian Shiffman

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Maersk Lifter arriving in Durban, picture by Keith Betts, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Maersk Lifter. Picture: Keith Betts appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Maersk Lifter.       Pictures: Keith Betts

The 2009-built anchor handling tug MAERSK LIFTER (IMO 9425734) seen entering the port of Durban during June this year. Always impressive these workhorses of the ocean are indispensable to the oil and gas and other industries. Maersk Lifter which is registered in Denmark has an overall length of 90 metres and a width of 23m. The 6820-gt tug which can also be used for towing of rigs and other large vessels was built at the PS Werften Stralsund shipyard in Stralsund, Germany. The tug is homeported in Skagen and was calling at Durban for bunkers. These pictures are by Keith Betts



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