Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

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NYK RoRo car carrier Goliath Leader in Durban, April 2018.     Picture: Ken Malcom, feaured  in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Goliath Leader.       Picture: Ken Malcolm

NYK’s RoRo car carrier GOLIATH LEADER (IMO 9357315) has called several times in South African ports with the most recent time being in April. This was when she was photographed here on her berth in Durban harbour, discharging and loading motor vehicles at the Durban Car Terminal. The 57,692-gt vessel is 200 metres in length with a beam of 32 metres and a draught of 8.7 metres. Flagged in the Bahamas, she was built in 2008 at the Stocznia Gdynia Shipyard at Gdynia in Poland. This picture is by Ken Malcolm


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map of Mocimboa and adjecant region, for a story appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

The armed groups that have attacked villages and settlements in northern Mozambique are partly commanded from Tanzania and serve to protect illegal trafficking of resources in the region, according to a study presented last week in Maputo.

See related report dated 6 November 2017 EXTREME ISLAMIST THREAT TO MOZAMBIQUE’S OIL & GAS REGION

Some members of the groups will have received training abroad, with militias with links to terrorist groups such as Somalia’s Al-Shabaab, the study says, in the first systematic inquiry into the relationship between the violence of recent months and such organisations.

The illegal trade networks which the armed groups facilitate raise funds in the order of one million Euros in a week in the traffic of timber alone, but they also traffic coal, rubies and ivory, according to researchers João Pereira, Salvador Forquilha and Saide Habibe.

Together, the three authors of the study on “Islamic Radicalisation in Northern Mozambique” conducted 125 interviews during three stays in the province of Cabo Delgado after the attack on the village of Mocímboa da Praia on October 5, 2017.

At least in the “first phase”, the aspiration to “establish an Islamic State” seems to have been set aside, the motive being, rather, “seeking to create business opportunities for the dominant elites of informal businesses in that region of Cabo Delgado” and thus “feeding national and international interests within the illicit business”, the study asserts.

“The first objective [of the armed groups] is to create a situation of instability in the region to enable the illicit business in which the leaders are involved” and then “from these businesses to feed other networks with which they have links, for example militias in Congo, Somalia and Kenya, as well as Tanzania,” says João Pereira.

The trafficking networks also include elements from Vietnam and China.

Armed groups use the money to support their men and families, scattered throughout rural Cabo Delgado – who thus have access to income levels rare in the area – as well as to attract new recruits and pay for the mobilisation missions of alleged religious leaders from Tanzania.

Illegal trade routes also serve as a basis for smuggling weapons by boat along the coast and motorcycles on land. (Witnesses claim to have heard motorcycles in the woods at night before the attacks.)

“These are processes with their epicentre in Mocímboa, but with ramifications in several districts,” Pereira said, which is “it is difficult to see where the command is”. He calls for more studies to be carried out in the region.

Without in-depth knowledge, it will not be possible to combat the organised crime offensive that Pereira says has arrived in Mozambique as part of a North-South migration of organised crime across the continent.

Authorities in Mozambique say that the situation is under control, and the prosecutor’s office has charged 234 defendants with possession and use of prohibited weapons, qualified homicide and mercenary practices.

João Pereira and Salvador Forquilha have degrees in Political Science from the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Maputo, and represent the Foundation for the Support of Civil Society (MASC) and the Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IESE) respectively.

Saide Habibe participated in the study as a specialist in Islamic affairs in Mozambique. Source: Lusa


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SAAF Oryx helicopter airlifting patient from trawler off Cape coast.  Picture:  courtesy NSRI Hout Bay,  in a report featured in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
SAAF airlifting patient from trawler off Cape coast. Picture: courtesy NSRI Hout Bay

On Thursday last week (24 May) the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) at Hout Bay was activated by Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) following a request for urgent medical assistance from the local fishing trawler OUMA which was reporting a 50-year old fisherman who had sustained serious injuries after getting caught in a hydraulic winch while the vessel was at the fishing grounds.

The urgent request for medical assistance was made by radio VHF communications to Telkom Maritime Radio Services during which the skipper reported that they were 41 nautical miles South West of Hout Bay and had started making their way landwards.

Telkom Maritime Radio Services instructed the Ouma to head towards Hout Bay while alerting the TNPA Port Control.

Sea conditions were rough with strong winds.

The NSRI Hout Bay sea rescue craft Nadine Gordimer and Albie Matthews were launched accompanied by a WC Government Health EMS doctor and an EMS rescue paramedic on board.

MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) placed the SA Air Force 22 Squadron and the NSRI Airborne Sea Rescue (ASR) on high alert but heavy weather did not favour an airborne sea rescue operation at that stage.

The NSRI Hout Bay sea rescue craft Albie Matthews was first to arrive on the scene rendezvousing with the Ouma 30 nautical miles off-shore and NSRI medics initiated treatment to the injured fisherman suffering a dislocated shoulder, head injury and arm injuries.

On arrival of the sea rescue craft Nadine Gordimer the EMS doctor and rescue paramedic were put aboard the Ouma and the patient was stabilised but still in a critical condition and medical treatment continued onboard the Ouma while the trawler continued to make her way to Hout Bay but making slow progress in the rough seas with an estimated arrival time of over 2 hours.

As weather conditions eased the EMS doctor requested the patient be airlifted and a SAAF 22 Squadron Oryx helicopter was dispatched with the NSRI ASR squad.

The patient was then transferred onto the sea rescue craft Nadine Gordimer with the assistance of the sea rescue craft Albie Matthews.

On the helicopters arrival on the scene, 25 nautical miles off-shore of Hout Bay, the patient, secured into a specialised stretcher, and the EMS crew, were hoisted into the helicopter and medical treatment continued in the helicopter as the patient was airlifted to Groote Schuur hospital in a serious but stable condition where he has been taken into the care of hospital staff.

NSRI commended Telkom Maritime Radio Services for their assistance with VHF radio communications relay during the rescue operation which was completed at 17h00.

Video clip showing the airlfting of the patient. Courtesy NSRI [1:38]

Reporting by Lyall Pringle, NSRI Hout Bay station commander.

NSRI Richards Bay

Earlier in the week (Sunday 20 May) the NSRI at Richards Bay, accompanied by an ICE Medical Rescue paramedic, launched their sea rescue craft Spirit of Round Table II at 06h30 to rendezvous with the Motor Vessel NORD SIRIUS at anchorage off-shore of Richards Bay Port.

The NSRI had been placed on alert on Saturday evening at 21h00 when it was arranged that the patient, who was suffering from anxiety, would be evacuated at first light.

On arrival on the scene the ship lifted anchor and created a lee for the sea rescue craft.

The rescue paramedic and an NSRI rescue swimmer went on board the ship where the 23 year old Filipino patient was medically treated before being placed into a Stokes basket stretcher and transferred onto the sea rescue craft and transported to the sea rescue base without incident. One of the ship’s other seafarers’ accompanied the patient ashore where he was transported to hospital in a stable condition in the care of paramedics.


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Port and town of Djibouti, appearing with a news report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Port and town of Djibouti

The tiny African state (and port) of Djibouti has seldome been out of the news lately and certainly appears to have made its mark in maritime terms of shipping with the Gulf of Adean and Red Sea area. The following report puts a different light on the state and status of this strategically important region where, despite high growth and basking in a favourable spotlight, nationalist interventions in the economy and weakening political stability indicate that the current mirage of Djibouti’s investment potential is overstated and unsustainable

EXX Africa ( published a special report on the country’s investment outlook on 24 May 2018. At first sight, Djibouti seems to be an attractive investment destination in an otherwise troubled Horn of Africa region. The country’s apparent…[restrict] political stability is assured by the presence of multiple foreign military bases and relatively low exposure to regional security threats. Djibouti’s strategic location near the world’s busiest shipping lanes, controlling access to the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, continues to attract investment from African, western, Asian, and Gulf investors, particularly in the marine, construction, aviation, fuel, and defence sectors.

map of Djibouti and adjacent states, appearing with story n Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
map of Djibouti and adjacent states

However, the high profile cancellation of a port terminal concession earlier this year has raised questions over Djibouti’s attitude to foreign investment. On the one hand, the government is becoming increasingly nationalist and seems to be promoting statist interventions in the economy. Meanwhile, Djibouti is favouring preferred development partners, arguably in violation of existing contractual arrangements. Such interventions are likely to deter further foreign investment in the services sector, while Djibouti’s natural resources are negligible.

Moreover, while the incumbent president secured a fourth term in office on a landslide electoral victory only two years ago, a reinvigorated opposition is now boycotting local elections and vocally insisting on political reform. Security forces have taken a heavy-handed approach to crack down on opposition supporters and rights activists.

By repressing freedom of speech and political rights, the government has intensified fractious clan allegiances and increased the prospect of armed insurgency. Lack of clarity over the presidential succession is also driving internal rivalries and hampering the longer term policy outlook.

Given that Djibouti’s bloated public sector economy is dependent on a financial lifeline thrown by regional powers and has failed to diversify from the port services sector, in reality the country’s investment potential is rather limited. Moreover, nationalist interventions in the economy and weakening political stability indicate that the current mirage of Djibouti’s investment potential is overstated and unsustainable.[/restrict]


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Pirated ship FWN Rapide. Picture: Ria Maat/MarineTraffic, appearing in a story in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
FWN Rapide.      Picture: Ria Maat/MarineTraffic

The 11 seafarers from the FWN RAPIDE (IMO 9320520) taken as hostages by Nigerian pirates more than a month ago have been released.

The Dutch manager and operator of the ship, ForestWave, said in a release last week that the crew had been released by the pirates who took them hostage on 21 April, while the ship was nearing Port Harcourt in Nigeria.

The 146-metre long general cargo ship had a crew of 14 at the time of the attack. Two crew members escaped…[restrict] capture and later steered the ship to safety after the pirates left the ship with their hostages. A third crew member was later found hiding on board the ship.

According to ForestWave, all eleven crew now released are in relatively good health.

“ForestWave are delighted to report that our eleven valued crew members who were taken hostage on 21 April off Port Harcourt, Nigeria and spent the last four weeks in captivity have been released and are now safe,” the company said in a statement. “The crew are currently on their way to be reunited with their loved ones. We are extremely pleased to have been conveying this good news to all the families and friends of our seafarers.

“ForestWave would like to thank all the relevant authorities and advisors for their help in securing the release of our valued seafarers. Finally we would like to express our gratitude to our crew who have shown such great courage and professionalism under the extremely difficult circumstances of the past four weeks,” the company said.

When the ship was attacked she was sailing from the Ghanaian port of Takoradi, bound for Bonny in Nigeria.[/restrict]


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CMA CGM Marco Polo, appearing with a news report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
CMA CGM Marco Polo

Following the announcement last week by Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) that it was adding an emergency recovery surcharge on bunkers MSC INTRODUCES WORLDWIDE BUNKER SURCHARGE, Maersk Line and now French shipping company CMA CGM have made similar announcements.

“Due to the significant increase in bunker prices since the beginning of the year and to keep ensuring the highest quality of service to its customers, CMA CGM Group will recover bunker costs through its bunker related surcharges which will be applied to all…[restrict] cargo on all worldwide trades with the following implementation dates and amounts,” the French company said.

The increases will take effect from 1 June (date of loading) for non-FMC trades and from 1 July (date of loading) for Taiwan and FMC trades. CMA CGM’s surcharge will be re-evaluated on a monthly basis.

Maersk Line

Maersk Line’s announcement said it would be introducing an emergency bunker surcharge with effect from 1 June.

“The increase (in bunker fuel prices) is more than 20 percent compared with the beginning of 2018 and this unexpected development means that it is no longer possible for us to recover bunker costs through the standard bunker adjustment factors,” Maersk said in a note to customers.

The line stated that the bunker price has reached US $440 a tonne in Europe, which is the highest since 2014.

It is likely that most other shipping companies will be introducing similar bunker surcharge increases.[/restrict]


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Ghanaian and Transnet officials during port visit at Durban

Ghanaian and Transnet officials during port visit at Durban, from a report appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Ghanaian and Transnet officials during port visit at Durban

On Wednesday last week (23 May 2018), senior representatives of various Transnet operating divisions hosted a delegation led by Honourable Joe Ghartey, Ghanaian Minister of Railways Development, at the Port of Durban.

Transnet showcased its cross-border capabilities, including its training programmes, the Transnet Maritime School Of Excellence and its world-class simulator equipment, as well as the entity’s dredging, engineering and consultation services.


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Seen here the Merlin Mk4 on display at the presentation on 24 May when Defence Minister Guto Bebb announced delivery of the first of a fleet of new helicopters designed for Royal Marine aircraft carrier operations. Photo MoD Crown Copyright 2018 ©, from a news report appearing with Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Seen here the Merlin Mk4 on display at the presentation on 24 May when Defence Minister Guto Bebb announced delivery of the first of a fleet of new helicopters designed for Royal Marine aircraft carrier operations. Photo MoD Crown Copyright 2018 ©

On 24 May UK Defence Minister Guto Bebb announced delivery of the first of a fleet of new helicopters designed for Royal Marine carrierborne operations.

He was speaking at Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton, where the helicopters will be based when not on operations.

This helicopter, known as the Commando Merlin Mk4, has been upgraded to a…[restrict] faster and more powerful aircraft than its predecessor. It now is coloured grey, has a folding main rotor and tail, upgraded flight controls and a tactical computer.

Modifications here are designed to ensure it can now operate from sea, and will operate from ships including the UK’s new 65,000-tonne aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth.

A total of 25 Commando Merlin aircraft will be delivered to the air wing of the Royal Marines – the Commando Helicopter Force (CHF) –- who will use them to deliver troops and supplies from sea to land.

Defence Minister Guto Bebb commented: “This new version of the Merlin will provide an essential bridge between sea and land for our Marines operating from ships, including our brand-new aircraft carriers. This fleet will deliver troops and supplies to the centre of the action, be that a conflict zone or the site of a humanitarian disaster, as well as providing search and rescue cover. Flown from the Yeovil factory to now be homed here, this is another way defence is supporting the South West, where we spent over £5bn last year – more than any other region in the UK.”

The Commando Merlin Mk4 aircraft, an upgrade from the Merlin Mk3 standard, are being delivered through a £388 million contract between the MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) and Leonardo Helicopters, supporting 175 skilled jobs at Leonardo in Yeovil, and a further 500 across the UK supply chain.

Last year the MOD’s highest spend per person in the UK was in the South West, where £920 was spent for each member of the population – totalling around £5,079,000,000. Defence spending in the region also supported an estimated one in every 60 jobs there – the highest proportion of jobs support by MOD expenditure in the UK, totalling 33,500 posts.

DE&S Director Helicopters Air Vice-Marshal Graham Russell added: “DE&S is proud to have delivered the first Merlin Mk4 to the Royal Navy. Today underscores that DE&S and their industrial partners are delivering. And delivering more with less, thanks to our effective change programme and fantastic staff.

“We look forward to all 25 aircraft being fully operational by 2023. DE&S will also ensure the Commando Merlin are supported with a full training and support solution, so they are always available to be deployed across the globe.”

Royal Marines disembarking from the Merlin Mk 4 at the event, Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton. Photo MoD Crown Copyright 2018 © from a news report appearing with Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Royal Marines disembarking from the Merlin Mk 4 at the event, Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton. Photo MoD Crown Copyright 2018 ©

Delivery will allow air crews to familiarise themselves with the Commando Merlin before they enter service, expected in the summer. They have been acquired to replace the veteran Sea Kings.

When not deployed on operations the helicopters will be based at RNAS Yeovilton, the home of CHF since the unit was formed in 1997.

CHF, known as the ‘Junglies’, have served in a commando support role in theatres of operations including Bosnia, Sierra Leone, Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s the ability to fold the tail section – which has been completely rebuilt for the Mk4 – and rotor heads that will enable flying from the carriers in particular.

In conclusion Colonel Lenny Brown, the Officer Commanding Commando Helicopter Force said: “Commando Helicopter Force provides aerial support to the Royal Marines, be they at sea, in an assault ship or in the sand and dust of Afghanistan.

“My air crews will soon begin training to fly the Commando Merlin from the Queen Elizabeth Class carriers, marking the start of a new era of Commando support operations.”

The news was trailed by Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson earlier in the day (24 May), at the RUSI Sea Power Conference in London. While there, he also announced that all Type 23 frigates will be fitted with the Sea Ceptor air defence system – starting with HMS Argyll as she is deployed to the Asia-Pacific to visit ports across the region.[/restrict]

Edited by Paul Ridgway


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new Almarin innovative buoy from a story appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime newes

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) will hold its prestigious quadrennial IALA Conference from 27 May to 2 June in Incheon (Republic of Korea).

Almarin, an IALA industrial member, will exhibit and present its latest development in marine aids to navigation for the marking of rivers.

This innovative buoy (illustrated), which works as a fixed and floating mark, is designed…[restrict] for rivers or channels with a large amplitude of water level variation while maintaining a high precision when water levels are low.

This product has been developed by Almarin in conjunction with the Port Authority of Douro e Leixões (APDL) and Instituto Hidrográfico de Portugal.

The project has also been selected for presentation under the IALA conference’s innovation section and will be presented by Almarin’s general manager and technical director, Patrick Lindley.

Almarin will also present its new aids to navigation catalogue, with a wide offering of beacons and towers for ports, lanterns and provision for the marking of bridges and structures in navigable channels.

About Grupo Lindley

Grupo Lindley, with more than 85 years of experience in the supply and manufacture of equipment and infrastructure for harbour and industrial areas, is formed by four privately owned companies established in 1930:


  • Ahlers Lindley: Marina and Harbour Infrastructure
  • Almovi: Lifting Systems and Cargo Handling Equipment
  • Salt Technologies: Analysis and Design of Marine Structures
  • Almarin: Marine Aids to Navigation


To learn more readers are invited to visit:[/restrict]

Edited by Paul Ridgway<br<


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Africa Oil Week 2018 banner, appearing with a report in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Over the course of a week, leading nations will take meetings and present proprietary information regarding up-and-coming projects exclusively at Africa Oil Week

Nine Energy and Petroleum Ministers have confirmed to attend Africa Oil Week ( 2018 which will take place in Cape Town, South Africa on 5-9 November 2018.

With 88 upcoming oil and gas fields to receive more than US$180Bn by 2025, having such strong government representation of nine Ministers attending to deliver bidding rounds and investment opportunities reinforces the unique value of Africa Oil Week as the annual transaction platform for Africa.

Over the course of the week, leading nations will take meetings and present proprietary information regarding up-and-coming projects exclusively at Africa Oil Week. From shallow water licencing in Congo Brazzaville, to billion-dollar tenders in critical infrastructure, there is a growing anticipation from the global petroleum companies that Africa Oil Week 2018 is the most compelling opportunity to originate and win licences, farm down partnerships and finance within the African Oil and Gas sector.

With over 26 per cent of the investment being given to Nigeria, it is noteworthy that Hon Minister Dr Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources from the Federal Republic of Nigeria is attending Africa Oil Week to showcase and promote the most significant transformation projects in Nigeria.

“Attracting inward investment for upstream activities and field development is critical if Africa is to realise its full energy potential,” Paul Sinclair, Conference Director for Africa Oil Week said. It is in this context that Africa Oil Week will deliver a transactional based event that will see multi-billion-dollar deals agreed to which will advance national objectives across the continent.

The following African Ministers will be present to advance the African Hydrocarbon sector, broker new partnerships and to raise capital for priority opportunities from Cape Town to Cairo:

* Hon Minister Mr Jeff Radebe, Minister of Energy, Republic of South Africa
* Hon Minister Dr Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Federal Republic of Nigeria
* Hon Minister Boakye Agyarko, Minister of Energy, Republic of Ghana
* Hon Minister Jean-Marc Thystère Tchicaya, Minister of Hydrocarbons, Republic of the Congo
* Hon Minister Pr Tiémoko Sangaré, Minister of Mines & Petroleum, Republic of Mali
* Hon Minister Foumakoye Gado, Minister of Petroleum, Republic of Niger
* Hon Minister Irene Nafuna Muloni, Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Republic of Uganda
* Hon Minister Fafa Sanyang, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Republic of The Gambia
* Hon Minister Thierry Tanoh, Minister of Energy, Ivory Coast

“We are truly honoured by the attendance of so many Government Ministers. In my view, this demonstrates that Africa Oil Week is the premier meeting point for the African Oil and Gas sector, said Paul Sinclair, Conference Director, Africa Oil Week. “It not only gathers the most senior community of Ministers and National Oil Companies, it remains the only true world class deal making event for the global private sector.

“The importance that global partnerships are now playing in developing Africa’s energy resources only underlines the need for Africa Oil Week,” he added. “With 54 highly competitive countries looking to develop their vast resources we are delighted to be hosting 17 National Oil Companies who will also be undertaking their role to promote their petroleum sector within roadshows and bidding rounds. The role of Africa Oil Week as a catalyst for deal making sets itself apart from talkshops, we are expecting unprecedented levels of investment and finance to be deployed into the African upstream as a result of the 2018 Africa Oil Week.”

The event provides a platform for African nations and those operators to present deals, farm in opportunities, data rooms and basin insights in some of the most compelling basins across the continent. Attendees value the opportunity to get face time with Ministers, CEOs, Banks and operators at what is still regarded as the must attend event for the Africa hydrocarbon sector.


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QM2 in Cape Town. Picture by Ian Shiffman

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MSC Athens arriving at Durban, May 2018. Picture: Keith Betts, appearing ina  feature in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
MSC Athens. Picture: Keith Betts

The container ship MSC ATHENS (IMO 9618305), which is a regular visitor to South African ports, is seen arriving in Durban earlier in May. Owned by Greek interests, managed by Costamare Shipping and operated by MSC, the 8,800-TEU capacity vessel has a length of 300 metres and a width of 48m – the ideal size for the Port of Durban at present. Built in 2013, the 110,853-dwt ship was built in South Korea by the Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering yard as hull number 4010. This picture is by Keith Betts



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