Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

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Benjamin Confidence arriving at Durban. Picture: Trevor Jones, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Benjamin Confidence.  Picture: Trevor Jones

The very smart 175-metre long, 30m wide bulk carrier BENJAMIN CONFIDENCE (34,874-dwt) arrived in Durban earlier in August. Built this year for Panamanian-registered owners and making her maiden voyage to Durban, her commercial ship managers are Dutch-based Orient Shipping Rotterdam BV while the bulker is flagged in the Philippines. The picture is by Trevor Jones


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APL Austria appearing at Durban, in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Public consultations about a proposed funding model for the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), on which future tariffs will be based, are currently underway countrywide this week.

Undertaken and driven by the Department of Transport (DoT), the public consultation workshops began with Cape Town yesterday (Tuesday, 15 August), and will be followed by Durban on Thursday (17 August) and finally Johannesburg on Wednesday (30 August).

The venue for Cape Town’s workshop held yesterday was the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) main administration building at the port of Cape Town, where dozens of participants from across subsectors of primarily the maritime sector were expected to attend.

The maritime subsectors include operational support services, manufacturing and construction, business services, and public interest involving regulatory and naval defence.

According to DoT, consultations with the stakeholders will focus on a newly developed funding model for SAMSA on which the future tariffs of SAMSA will be derived.

Providing background to the exercise, the department says the development of the model began a year ago, prompted by among other reasons, a need to address challenges experienced over the last few years in meeting SAMSA’s capital infrastructure and operational costs.

According to DoT, this required that an exercise be undertaken to review the current tariff structure with plans to develop a sustainable funding model based on a multi-year tariff decision-making framework.

SAMSA, the department says, is a statutory body in terms of the SAMSA Act No. 5 of 1998, with legislated objectives that involve ensuring safety of life and property at sea; the prevention and combating of pollution of the marine environment by ships, and the promotion of South Africa’s maritime interests.

SAMSA. Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

SAMSA’s mandate was expanded in 2007 to include the regulation of some marine activities on South Africa’s inland waters.

SAMSA’s obligations in terms of this mandate includes among other activities; the issuing of operating licenses, surveying, accident investigations, the development of examination standards and the promotion of safety and awareness.

SAMSA is also tasked with the responsibility for monitoring ships traversing South African waters and ensuring their safe navigation for purpose of securing our country and its territorial interests.

“Maritime transport is a global business that embraces multinational stakeholders’ cooperation to make sure that standardised approaches, conventions and systems for safe, clean, sustainable and secure shipping and competent seafaring are established and adhered to,” says the DoT.

“SAMSA is a signatory to numerous bilateral agreements to advance maritime technical cooperation and coordinated search and rescue functions with other countries and the SADC region.

“SAMSA discharges the South African government’s responsibility in giving effect to IMO (International Maritime Organisations) and ILO (International Labour Organisation) Conventions,” the DoT said.

For more info on the public consultation process, CLICK HERE or for further inquiries contact the following officials; Rabelani Muthaphuli (012 309 3952), Tudor Hungwe (012 366 3600) and Mpho Monyane (012 309 3043).


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scrap at the harbours, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

South Africa’s Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel has welcomed a decision by the Constitutional Court to dismiss a challenge to the State’s scrap metal export rules.

Minister Patel said the decision makes it clear that rational decisions by the State in favour of job creation and industrialisation will be upheld by the courts.

“Our Constitution enables government to intervene in…[restrict] support of legitimate public purposes. Government will act to ensure that our industrial base and employment are supported,” he said.

The Constitutional Court dismissed an application by a local exporter of scrap metal for leave to appeal the judgment of the High Court of South Africa and the Supreme Court of Appeal, upholding the State’s scrap metal export provisions — known as the price preference system — and the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa’s decision to refuse to issue export permits to the SA Metal Group.

“This brings to an end almost four years of litigation over the lawfulness of the price preference system and the refusal by ITAC to issue export permits in accordance with that system. ITAC is a statutory body in South Africa responsible for administration of trade policy.

“The legal action was initiated after the Minister of Economic Development issued a Trade Policy directive requiring ITAC to administer a price-preference for local foundries and steel mini-mills on all scrap metal collected locally before they were offered for export.

“Scrap metal is an input in the making of steel products,” the Department of Economic Development said.

This Policy Directive was part of government’s plan to promote local industrialisation and the beneficiation of local scrap metal.

It follows significant job losses and deindustrialisation in the steel industry. It was also introduced to support the national infrastructure plan and to support lower carbon emissions in the making of steel products. (Scrap metal uses less energy than the making of steel products from iron-ore).

The Trade Policy Directive by the Minister of Economic Development and the decisions of ITAC were taken on review by scrap-metal exporters, to the Gauteng and Western Cape High Courts and later to the Supreme Court of Appeal.

The department said the cases were brought by the Metal Recyclers Association and later by the SA Metals Group.

“One court application was withdrawn before it was heard. In all other instances, the cases were decided in favour of the state, with cost orders against the applicants in these courts. The Constitutional Court dismissed the application for leave to appeal on the grounds that it had no reasonable prospect of success,” the department said. –[/restrict]


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CSCL Jupiter aground. Picture by Fleetmn, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Picture: Fleetmon

The Port of Antwerp, Europe’s second busiest port, was reopened to traffic today after the grounding of a giant 14,300-TEU 266-metre long container ship, CSCL JUPITER went aground yesterday after rudder failure.

CSCL JUPITER lost her ability to…[restrict] navigate as the ship was sailing from the port bound for Hamburg. She came to rest on the mud banks of the Scheldt River near the entrance to the North Sea, effectively blocking access to the port for all but the smallest vessels.

A fleet of tugs was marshalled to assist the Chinese ship and on the rising tide last night they were able to pull the container ship clear, some 12 hours after the grounding.

The ship has returned to Antwerp for assessment of any damage to her hull and other necessary repairs.

Meanwhile the port has begun reducing the backlog caused by the blockage.[/restrict]


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Scene from HMS Queen Elizabeth's flight deck taken by the drone after it landed, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news
Scene from HMS Queen Elizabeth’s flight deck taken by the drone after it landed

In an embarrassing occurrence on Britain’s largest aircraft carrier, HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH, a private drone pilot has landed his drone aircraft on the deck of the warship while the latter was docked in Scotland.

According to what the unidentified drone pilot told British media, he conducted a flyover of the aircraft carrier, which was docked in Invergordon after carrying out sea…[restrict] trials off the Scottish coast. He claimed that high winds forced him to land his small drone, fitted with a camera, on the deck of the aircraft carrier but was able to take off again shortly afterwards.

He admitted to a bit of tomfoolery but said that what he did had exposed a complete lack of security around the warship. He said he gave his name and address to the police but that no one has been back to him about the matter.

However, a Ministry of Defence spokesman told British media that an investigation was underway and that security measures had been stepped up as a result of the incident.

YouTube video clip [1:30]



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Limassol's new cruise terminal, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News
Limassol’s new cruise terminal

It was announced in July from Cyprus that a new modern terminal designed to accommodate the largest operating cruise vessels is scheduled to open this summer in DP World Limassol port.

The new terminal consists of seven pods with an internal area of 7,000 square metres. Along with 24-hour availability the terminal offers integrated services including Home Call and Day Call handling…[restrict] capability, ensuring improved passenger services.

DP World Limassol has a draft of up to 11 metres (tide free) and three 400 metre berths that can accommodate cruise vessels. It is the third addition to the cruise terminal portfolio that DP World operates globally, after cruise terminal operations in Mina Rashid, Dubai and Quinquela Martin, Argentina.

Limassol is one of the major destinations in the Mediterranean for the cruise industry with the opportunity to be the first port of call for cruise lines after transiting the Suez Canal. The terminal offers fast turnaround times for connections to both Larnaca and Paphos international airports. With favourable weather, cultural attractions, excursions and events throughout the year, Cyprus and Limassol present the opportunity for a memorable time ashore.

Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO, DP World, said: “Cyprus is a centre for tourism and trade across the Mediterranean Sea and beyond and we are delighted to help develop its cruise capability. The terminal is another example of how partnerships with Government on infrastructure projects help boost economies, creating jobs and prosperity for the country and its people.”

Charles Meaby, General Manager, DP World Limassol commented: “With the opening of this new terminal, all our visitors will enjoy an even more impressive welcome. DP World Limassol continues to promote the development of tourism in Cyprus and driving economic benefits for the local and national economy.

“This is an exciting time for Limassol and Cyprus and DP World Limassol is focused on delivering a long-term legacy creating employment opportunities and helping Limassol reach its potential of becoming a fully-serviced home port for cruise ships.”[/restrict]

Edited by Paul Ridgway


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new Indonesian port & terminal development, appearing id Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

It was announced from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 17 July 2017 that an agreement had been signed between global trade enabler DP World and Indonesian government and port officials to advise on the development of the Kuala Tanjung greenfield port and logistics zone and Belawan port in North Sumatra.

As part of a Technical Assistance Contract, DP World will share its expertise and experience in increasing efficiencies, training and development for employees and developing multi-modal transport hubs. The agreement was signed by DP World Group Executive Vice President and…[restrict] Chief Operating Officer Anil Wats and state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) I President Director, Bambang Eka Cahyana. The event was also attended by Indonesian Minister of State Owned Enterprises Rini M Soemarno, Indonesian Ambassador to the UAE, Husein Bagis and senior DP World officials.

DP World Group Chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, said of the accord: “This partnership highlights Indonesia’s efforts to accelerate development of its ports and trade infrastructure, something we can help with given our global experience of advising governments on connecting with international markets. In growing our global portfolio of 78 terminals in 40 countries we have become a knowledge exporter with insights on how to link countries with the goods they need. Our existing operations at PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) give us an added advantage of understanding local and regional markets and we look forward to working with the Indonesian port authorities on developing international and domestic trade.”

DP World will be reviewing operations at Belawan port and advising on efficiency improvements, and plans for the Kuala Tanjung greenfield port and logistics zone to reduce costs, which will positively impact prices of goods sold in the local market.

This agreement is expected to have a far-reaching positive impact on the social and economic growth of the region, it is understood.

DP World’s PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) is located on the northern shore of eastern Java along the edge of Madura Strait. TPS is the gateway to Eastern Indonesia delivering world class efficiencies, customer service and operational standards.

Trade between Dubai and Indonesia in the first quarter of 2017 totalled AED 1.45 billion*.

*Whereas AED 1.00 = €0.23 / $0.27 / £0.21[/restrict]

Edited by Paul Ridgway


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Log-In Pantanal. Picture by Marcelo Vieira / Marine Traffic, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News
Log-In Pantanal. Picture by Marcelo Vieira / Marine Traffic

Containers lost overboard from the container ships LOG-IN PANTANAL are reported to have been looted by raiders.

The ship lost 45 containers overboard while about four kilometres off the coast of Sao Paulo (Santos) in Brazil last Friday (11 August.) The ship had encountered heavy swells when she lost part of her deck cargo.

The loss of the boxes occurred in the…[restrict] early hours of the morning, between 01h30 and 03h00 but the early hour didn’t deter a number of people from going to sea in ski-boats and other craft to loot the contents of the floating boxes.

Included in the cargo in the containers were bicycles, clothing, hospital equipment, school backpacks, tyres, air conditioning units and electronics.

Santos police were alert to what was going on and arrested two speedboats loaded with stolen goods. They have charged 11 people on suspicion of theft.

container bering looted off Santos, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News

Missing pipes – half a kilometre long!

In another bizarre case, a number of giant plastic pipes have washed ashore in Norfolk, UK, some of them almost half a kilometre in length.

The pipes were being towed to Algeria for a large project and because of their length and being plastic, were being towed in the water. However, the tow was lost and the giant pipes began washing ashore along the Norfolk coast.

According to the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency they pose no danger to the public and will be put back in the sea and towed back to Norway.[/restrict]

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QM2 in Cape Town. Picture by Ian Shiffman

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Atlantic Cartier. Pictures: Keith Betts, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news

Atlantic Cartier, by Keith Betss, appearing in Africa PORTS & SHIS Maritime News

Atlantic Cartier. Pictures: Keith Betts, appearing in Afria PORTS & SHIPS Maritime News
Atlantic Cartier. Pictures: Keith Betts

One of the more interesting arrivals on the South African coast in recent weeks was the Ro-Ro vessel ATLANTIC CARTIER (51,648-dwt), which called at Durban for bunkers and has now departed for the beaches of Alang in India to be broken up, or recycled as the preferred euphemism would have it. Or so everyone thought! Instead the ship has gone to anchor outside Durban for reasons not immediately obvious. The Swedish-flagged ship was built in France at the Normed Dunkerque shipyard in 1985 and has operated with Atlantic Container Line (ACL) on its Trans-Atlantic route with a service speed of 18 knots, enabling her to complete the Trans-Atlantic crossing from Europe in between 6 and 8 days. These large ships (there were three of the G3 class) had a container capacity of up to 3,100 TEUs or a combination of about 1,000 motor vehicles and containers. ACL is part of the Grimaldi Group of companies, which makes regular appearances on the Europe – West Africa service.
These pictures are by Keith Betts



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– Bob Newhart



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