Stack dates for export containers are available here
Ships in port (excludes fishing & service vessels)
V&A Waterfront
SA Agulhas II, Enigma XK, Nikko Maru 1
Cape Town Harbour
DP Star
Globe Trotter II
RS Algoa
Red Cedar
Tai Fu 3
Smit Amandla
Helen M
Ridgebury Rosemary E
Pacific Zircon
Ellen Khuzwayo
RS Africana
Kubilai Khan
Maersk La Paz
Maersk Luz
Pacific Gosling
Ships Entering Port at this Time
Ships Sailing at this Time
Todays Ship Movements
Ships at anchor or in Table Bay today
Gulden Leeuw, Kota Sempena, Iver Exporter, Kousi Eol, Posh Elegance, MSC Grace, Fuh Sheng 11, Eco Nical – orders
Expected in
13/02/17 Fairmount Sherpa
14/02/17 Brilliant, Galbot, Kievska Rus, Veruda
Ships expected to sail
Port Angeles
Webcam of Cape Town
For a live image of Table Mountain in Cape Town (South Africa) with the peak of Lion’s Head visible to the right. Below Table Mountain lies the City Bowl, fronted by Cape Town harbour and V&A Waterfront. In the middle of the picture is Table
Bay. To the right is the new Green Point soccer stadium. Nearest to the viewer is Milnerton Lagoon and the houses of Woodbridge Island.
Ships due in port
(Ships ETA in port is based on the latest available update. A full list of passenger ships is listed separately below )
13/02/17 Kota Sempena
14/02/17 Kievskaya Rus, APL Austria – delayed at Ngqura due to fire, Maersk Brigit, Galbot, Veruda, Border, APL Norway, Brilliant
15/02/17 Mary Arctica, HS Berlioz
16/02/17 Taiyo Maru 8, MSC Altamira, African Quail, Gulden Leeuw, MSC Sindy, Tronio, CMA CGM Opal
17/02/17 Silver Cloud, Primavera, Leon Thevenin, Tiger Jilin, Bulk Orion, Hai Feng 648, Berlin Bridge
18/02/17 MTM Singapore, Green Miountain, Blue Master II
19/02/17 Ikan Senyur
20/02/17 Maersk Varna, Endurance, Lu Lao Yuan Yu 006, Lu Lao Yuan Yu 008, Lu Lao Yuan Yu 007, Lu Lao Yuan Yu 002, Lu Lao Yuan Yu 001, Fukuseki Maru 31
25/02/17 Explorer
08/03/17 Pacific Goldfinch
01/04/17 Astor
Cruise ships due in port
17 Silver Cloud
27 Silver Cloud
03 to 03 RMS St Helena
18 to 22 Admiral Tryeshnikov
19 to 24 World Odyssey
24 to 26 Le Lyrial
29 to 30 Silver Explorer
31 to 02 Voyager
01 Astor
12 to 14 RMS St Helena
19 to 20 Queen Elizabeth
20 MSC Sinfonia
24 MSC Sinfonia
28 MSC Sinfonia
30 MSC Sinfonia
02 to 01 RMS St Helena
05 MSC Sinfonia
14 to 17 Azamara
22 to 24 RMS St Helena
01/08/17 Mary Artica
28 MSC Sinfonia
30 MSC Sinfonia
03 MSC Sinfonia
06 MSC Sinfonia
08 to 11 Albatros
10 MSC Sinfonia
21 to 23 Crystal Symphony
06 MSC Sinfonia
07 to 08 Crystal Symphony
09 Boudicca
10 MSC Sinfonia
12 MSC Sinfonia
13 Europa 2
16 MSC Sinfonia
19 MSC Sinfonia
27 Europa 2
01/04/17 Astor
13 MSC Sinfonia
17 MSC Sinfonia
19 MSC Sinfonia
24 MSC Sinfonia
27 MSC Sinfonia
01 MSC Sinfonia
24/01/19 Ocean Dream
10/04/19 Queen Victoria
E & O E
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SHIP PHOTOGRAPHERS Colour photographs and slides for sale of a variety of ships. Thousands of items listed featuring famous passenger liners of the past to cruise ships of today, freighters, container vessels, tankers, bulkers, naval and research vessels. P O BOX 809, CAPE TOWN, 8000, SOUTH AFRICA |